Chapter Sixteen

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Uggghhh! I tried to put off writing this fic as I didn't want it to end, but it's so hard because I wanted to keep writing it.

Annabelle's POV

Magnus had gone to bed, and Hank, Erik and I were sat downstairs next to the fire. Erik and Hank were sharing a bottle of whiskey whilst I sat seething next to them. "Did they suffer?" Erik asked Hank. "Not for long. Peter was there with Zephyr, he wouldn't leave her side." Hank said. If I wasn't so angry and distraught, I would've smiled and said 'He's a good kid.' But I felt nothing but pain and rage. "I know we've had our...differences in the past, but-." Hank interupted. "We both loved Raven." He said, and Erik nodded. "She was like a little sister to me." Erik breathed. "Not to mention Zephyr. She was so determined to be part of the team. But Charles always said no." Hank said. "Well maybe if he had let her, she wouldn't have died." I spat, not breaking my gaze from the fire. "There's been a sighting of the girl." Selene announced, bringing my attention to her. "Where." Erik said. "New York. We'll have eyes on the ground when we get there." She said. Erik went to our room and pulled out a trunk. He opened it and removed the helmet that the mutant from '83 had recreated for him. Placing it on his head, he looked at me. "Let's do this." He sneered.


"She's in there." Selene said, as Erik, Hank and I approached her. "Hello old friend, Annie." We heard from behind us, stopping us in our tracks. We turned around and saw Charles with Scott, Storm and Kurt. "Save the 'old friend' shit, Charles. And stay out of our way." Erik told him. "I'm sorry for what she did. But I can't let you go in there." My brother said. I scoffed. "You're always sorry Charles, and there's always a speech. But nobody cares anymore." I said, stepping forward. "We do this here, now, they'll see us as monsters. Violent freaks, fighting on the streets of New York. What happened to you Annie?" Charles asked. My eyes blazed at the cheek of his words. "What happened to me? My two daughters were killed. Wake up and smell the shit! We are violent freaks! Especially your little golden girl in there. She killed my daughter, I've played by your rules Charles. But now, I'm playing by mine." I hissed. "Damn it Annie! Your homeland will be gone. Everything you care about." Charles shouted. "What do you know about loss Charles. Save your words for someone who cares." I spat. "If you touch her, I will fucking kill you." Scott said, stepping forward. "Don't do this Annie, Erik. Killing Jean will not bring Raven and Zephyr back." Charles pleaded. "The girl dies." Erik said. Hank ran towards the house and I used my power to push the cars back, clearing a path for me and Erik. We crossed the road, and was about to open the door, when Scott aimed his lasers at us. I spun around and threw him back. Erik crouched down, and pulled a train up onto the road to block them from getting to the door. "Hold them." Erik told the Selene.
We walked through the doorway and looked around. Standing at the top of the balcony was Jean, next to a white haired woman. "We know whose blood that was." I sneered as we flew up to her level. "You cast me out. Now you come here to kill me?" She said. "That's right. You killed our daughter." Erik told her. He ripped the railing from the stairs, and aimed it at her face. He inched closer, but his face dropped slightly. Her power must have been blocking him. She threw it to the ground and I used my power to pick it back up and try the same thing, but this time aiming for her heart. She smirked as the blocked me aswell. "And you couldn't even do that." She scoffed. "Let me show you how." She said. She started to compress Erik's head with his helmet and he cried out. She used her other hand and aimed it at me and suddenly I felt a pressure in my head. My eyes felt like they were about to burst and I let out a yell. She released the pressure and broke Erik's helmet, then flung us back through the window where we crashed to the ground and my vision slowly faded to black.


I woke up to the gentle rocking of a train, but had a collar around my neck. I looked around and saw the others in the same position. I turned to my left and saw Erik with cuts around his face from the helmet. "Raven had the right of it. Jean was never the villian...I was." Charles said, looking to Hank. "I should never have lied to her. I was wrong. But this power inside of her, I never put that there." He continued. "I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her. That isn't me and this is not Jean. We can still save her. She's still Jean inside." Charles finished. "So what exactly is controlling her?" Erik asked. "I don't know, but this woman, this thing has had a taste of that power and she'll be coming back for more. She'll be coming back for Jean." My brother said. "Good. Let her." I spat. "She'll kill her to get it. But I promise you, the killing will not end there." He protested. "That's not what Raven or Zephyr would've wanted." Scott said. "You know that. You all do." He aimed at me, Erik and Hank.
Our attention was brought to a noise coming from the roof. "Alpha One, you have multiple hostiles onboard. They're heading to the back." A voice said through the radio. "Alright, you two come with me. The rest of you, stay here, guard the prisoners!" One of the guards instructed. "Don't be fools! You need our help!" Erik shouted at them. "Lock it down! Now!" They said, completely ignoring Erik. "Goddamn muties come to spring you." A guard chastised. "They're not mutants. Free us, you're going to need our help." Charles said to the guard. "We're the only chance you have." Erik added. "Keep your mouth shut." Another guard scolded. A loud bang came from outside, and a guard spoke into his radio. "What's the status on those mutants?" He asked. "We're falling back now! They're not--" The radio static cut out. "They're not mutants!" The other one said down the radio. "They're here for Jean." Scott told him. "Get ready to open fire." He instructed the squad, as they ran down the train. "Your kid was right about us! We could help you." Kurt called to them.

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