Chapter Fourteen

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The Lensherr's 1992

Zephyr Lensherr - Emma WatsonNickname: Bolt

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Zephyr Lensherr - Emma Watson
Nickname: Bolt

Magnus Lensherr - Asher Angel
Nickname: Blizzard

Annabelle's POV

How time flies. It has been 9 years since Erik and I moved away to Genosha, this was where we provided refuge to mutants who had no place in the human society. After Moira cleared our names, the government had given us the island to use. We had moved with Zephyr and Magnus and they had grown up here. When they turned 13 and 10, they had begged us to let them learn how to harness their power at Charles' school and after much convincing, we let them go. Whenever there was a holiday, Charles would buy them tickets home which we really appreciated.
Zephyr was now 19 and had earned the nickname 'Bolt.' She was now confident in using her power, and we had later discovered that she had Electrokinesis. She was very headstong and was determined to fight for what she wanted. A trait passed down from Erik. She had become close friends with the girl from Cairo, whose name I'd learnt was Storm and Kurt, as their friendship stemmed from their similar power. Jean and her had formed a friendship too. Magnus was now 16 and had gotten the name 'Blizzard' as he was particularly fond of producing snow and wind. But he could harness the other elements aswell. He wasn't as confident as his sister, but that would just come with time and practice. Peter had made a friend of them both as well, of course, I was the only one who knew the true meaning behind it, but I was happy that the three of them had bonded so quickly. Erik and I were both incredibly proud of our children as they had come so far in the past years.

Zephyr's POV

The X-Men had been called away on a mission into space. It sounded amazing. I had been trying to convince Charles to let me join the team, but he had denied my request multiple times always bringing my mother and father into it.
They had been gone for hours, but when the news reached us that they were on their way back from success, Magnus and I were excited to celebrate with our friends.

They had stepped through the door and the applause and cheering was deafening. "That's enough boys and girls. That's enough." My Uncle said, bringing the hype down. "The X-Men today have done an incredibly brave thing. They've once again proved to humanity exactly why they need us, people like yourselves." He smiled to us, before turning his attention to the team. "The President send his regards, as well as his heartfelt gratitude. And as for myself, I've never been prouder. Enjoy yourselves. You certainly deserve it. In fact you all do. No more class for the rest of the day." He announced, sending the rest of the students into a cheering fest. When everyone dispersed, Magnus and I headed over to Peter, because Hank took Jean. "Congratulations on the mission success." I told him, bringing him into a hug. Peter had become one of my best friends, but he also was like an older brother to me and Magnus. "Between you and me, I basically did everything. I mean, Jean did a little, like towards the end, but it was mostly all me." He said and Magnus let out a laugh. "But was it though?" He asked playfully, as the two began talking. I looked around at the others, and noticed Raven and Charles heading into his office.

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