Chapter Two

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This absolute stunner of a woman is my face claim for Annabelle. She's Hayley Atwell for those who don't know.

Miami, Florida

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Miami, Florida

"This is the US Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are!" The man on the ship we were on said, alerting Sebastian of our presence. "I've lost Shaw. I've lost Shaw. There's something blocking me. This has never happened to me before. I think there's someone like me on that ship." Charles said, panic laced in his tone. "Like you?" Moira asked. "I'm sorry, a telepath. This is incredible. I could actually feel her inside my mind. I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help tonight. You're on your own." Charles said apologetically. We watched as the three life raft things approached their ship. Suddenly, a guy stepped onto the ledge and created two mini tornadoes to throw at the boats, sending them flying. "Get inside." One of the men said as we hurried inside, there was a delay getting in, so I turned around to see what was happening. A man was floating in the water and using his power to lift the chains to the boat. "Charles!" I called. "There's someone else out here!" I told him. He ran back up the stairs and joined me on the outside of the ship. "There." I pointed, directing him to the floating chains. Whoever it was, was strong and sent the chain through the ship, destroying it. Unbeknownst to us, the ship had a secret Submarine attached to it, which they deployed to escape. The person in the water, tried pulling it back, but a Submarine wasn't light, so I decided to help them. I flung my arms out, and tried pulling it back. Our power combined, helped to slowly bring it back. We were strong, but not that strong. So we soon started to struggle. "Annie, ease off. You're going to hurt yourself." Charles pleaded from behind me. "I can do it. Help them, they're starting to grow weak. I can feel it." I instructed, focusing all my energy on bringing the submarine back. "Let go!" My brother yelled, as the person was getting dragged by the vehicle. I pushed harder to try and take some of the stress away from the mutant, and I soon felt a trickle from my nose. "You have to let it go!" Charles yelled again. "You've got to put someone in the water to help him. Let it go! You have to let it go!" Charles demanded. I was growing weak, and I knew it wasn't worth passing out over. We could always find another lead. Charles was ready to jump overboard to get him, but I knew he wasn't a strong swimmer, so he was going to struggle. "I've got them." I shouted to my brother, as I drew my power away from the submarine, and focused getting the person out of the water. It was difficult at first, as they resisted. But they started growing weak, which gave me the advantage from pulling them out of the water.

"Get off me, Get off me!" The man cried out, as he thrashed under my grip. "Calm down. Just breathe. You're safe now." I told him, once I had put him on the ship. "Who are you?" He yelled, just focusing on me. "My name is Annabelle Xavier." I introduced. "You had a grip on me, and helped me with the submarine. How did you do that?" He asked. "You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm down." I told him. "I thought I was alone." He said solemnly. "You're not alone. Trust me. You're not alone." I said, as he eventually calmed down. "Erik." He breathed. "My name is Erik." He said. "Nice to meet you Erik." I smiled.

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