Chapter Three

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Erik and I walked down the corridor to where Charles said to meet. "Hank turned that radar installation into a transmitter. It's designed to amplify brainwaves, so it could enhance your telepathic powers, help us find other mutants for our division." Erik and I heard the CIA man say. "What if they don't want to be found by you?" Erik asked, announcing our arrival. Charles' head shot up to the door and grinned at us. "Well look who eventually decided to get up." Charles smiled. "If a new species is being discovered, it should be by it's own kind. Charles, Erik and I find the mutants. No suits." I told him. "First of all, that's my machine out there. Second of all, and much more importantly, this is Charles' decision. Charles' is fine with the CIA being involved. Isn't that right?" The man asked, turning to my brother for back up. "No. I'm sorry, but I'm with my sister. We'll find them alone." Charles told him, and he looked between the three of us. "What if I say no?" He shot back. "Then good luck using your installation without me." He told him, and he slumped back in his seat in defeat.

Charles, Erik, Raven, Hank and I entered the dome and looked around. It didn't look like much, but it had to be special if the CIA Agent was desperate for us to use it. "I call it Cerebro." Hank explained and my brother chuckled. "As in the Spanish for braian." The young boy explained, thinking he didn't get the name. "Yes." Charles laughed. "Okay, so, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof. When he picks up a mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay and then the coordinates of their location are printed out here." Hank explained. Erik and I wandered around the enclosed space, whilst Raven approached the dashboard covered in buttons. "You designed this?" She said in awe. "Yeah." Hank smiled. Charles placed the helmet on and waited. "What an adorable lab rat you make little brother." I teased. "Don't spoil this for me Annie." He said, keeping a straight face. "I've been a lab rat. I knwo one when I see one." Erik told him. "Okay, great." Hank said, double checking the wires and placement. The rest of us gathered round to watch. "Are you sure we can't shave your head?" The boy asked. "Don't touch my hair." Charles snapped almost immediately. "Okay." Hank said, retreating back. He pressed a bunch of buttons and the machine powered up. I watched in worry as my brother stood still. The machine finished powering up, and Charles let out a cry. "Charlie?" I asked in concern, but he soon started laughing. "It's working." Hank grinned.


Charles, Erik and I headed to find the first mutant. She worked in a men's club, so I had to wait outside, unless I was dancing. They had come out successful though.

The next mutant was a taxi driver, so we jumped in the back. "Where to, fellas? Lady?" He asked, looking at us through the rear view mirror. "Richmond, Virginia, please." Erik said. "Right, so you want the airport? The station, what?" He asked confused. "No, we were rather hoping you would take us all the way." My brother said. "That's a six hour drive." He told us. "That will give us plenty of time to talk." I smiled, using my power to flick the meter down.

"What the hell does the government want with a guy like Alex Summers? I hope you're not planning on putting him with others?" The man questioned. "He's the first guy I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement." The man explained, opening the door to reveal the young man.

We watched in amusement, as a guy tried asking a girl out at the aquarium. I cringed at the sight, until she left, and it was our time to step in.

The three of us entered a bar and saw a big burly looking guy with a cigar. "Excuse me, I'm Erik Lensherr and this is Annabelle and Charles Xavier." He introduced. "Go fuck yourself." He snapped, before we could get another word in.


We had settled in front of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Erik and Charles, were playing chess, and I just watched. "I can't help thinking about all the others out there. All those minds that I touched. I could feel them. Their isolation, their hopes, their ambitions. I tell you, we are at the start of something incredible. We can help them." Charles pondered. "Can we?" Erik asked. "Identification, that's how it starts. And ends with being rounded up, experimented on, eliminated." He explained, but Charles shook his head. "Not this time. We have common enemies. Shaw, the Russians. They need us." Charles reasoned. "For now." Erik added.

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