Part 32 || Please let us make it out of here.

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The boys eventually got the core, and Gugu burned it with the fire from his mask. They saw another part of a knocker. "DESTROY THAT!" Gugu shouted. Fushi aimed for it, cutting it in half. "Damn!" Gugu yelled. There was an explosion. "GAH!" Gugu said, falling down along with Fushi. After the fall, they both were fine. "Ow... Are you alright?" Gugu asked Fushi. Fushi was in his March form at the moment. "Yeah. I had a chance, but I let it get away." Fushi said, disappointedly looking at Gugu.

"It just means we're too strong for it! We did it, Fushi!" Gugu reassured him. "Thanks, Gugu. If you weren't there, I would have lost again... I may be immortal but I'm weak." Fushi smiled. "If you're ever in trouble, I'll help you. That's what siblings are for!" Gugu exclaimed. Gugu paused to think about you, but he didn't want you getting hurt, so he shrugged it off. Fushi's eyes glistened as he smiled. Just then, the knocker in the form of the bear's paw shot out of the wall, and grabbed Fushi's head. (In March's form.) "FU-" Gugu tried to shout his name, but was quickly interrupted when Fushi's head got crush by the paw.

"Fu... Fushi?! Fushi!!" Gugu shouted. The bear's other paw came out and was about to crush Gugu, but someone pushed him out the way. It was Rean. "Hooray! I made it in time!" Rean exclaimed. "Rean?!" Gugu asked. "How long have you been here?! You can't be here! Where's Misen? She can't come here either! I-" Gugu ranted. "She's being held back by the others, I was too, but I escaped. I have a lot of things to ask you. But first off, we need to escape." Rean explained. "This way!" Rean said, grabbing Gugu's hand. The house was starting to collapse.

"Eek! It's crumbling! We need to run to the exit!" Rean exclaimed, running to the exit with Gugu. The house collapsed, managing to create a big mask of smoke. So big that it could be seen from where beer gramps and Pioran were staying.

- - -

"What's that cloud of smoke? I'm worried..." Beer gramps expressed his worries.

- - -

Fushi felt pain throbbing as he was under a pile of heavy rubble from the collapsed house. "Haa-" Fushi grunted, trying to get up. The pain kept throbbing as he breathed heavily. He made it out of the rubble. The pain kept growing even though he was out. "Gugu-" he started. The bear was coming closer, so he changed into his wolf form. "This way!" he led the bear somewhere else to distract it. Fushi then turned back into his human form and sat on the floor. "This... isn't my pain!" Fushi realized. 

- - -

"Hey what's that?" and "Looks dangerous.." were heard amongst the crowd. You had watched the house collapse, and you were getting tired of just sitting around not helping. "Where are they?! Rean?! Rean!" Rean's father desperately shouted. "LET ME GO!" You said, eventually knocking the people who were restraining you down. You ran into the rubble with your wolf form to get faster to look for Gugu, Rean, and Fushi. "Come back this instant!" Rean's father shouted.

- - -

Among the pile of rubble, Gugu and Rean were trapped under it. Gugu was holding the rubble up with his body over Rean. He was doing this to protect her. "Are... Are you alright, Rean?" Gugu asked. "......Yeah..." Rean said, terrified. She didn't want to get hurt, but she trusted Gugu.

Meanwhile, Fushi was climbing the bear, trying to kill the knocker. "I need to... hurry up and..." Fushi said.

"It's quite loud outside." Gugu said, trying to cover up the fact that he's in pain. The rubble over them started to crumble. "It... It must be so heavy..." Rean stated, worried about Gugu. "Haha, not at all. Don't worry. They'll come... And save us." Gugu reassured her. "Gugu... Don't overexert yourself." Rean said. "To-Tomorrow..." Gugu started. "Huh?" Rean asked. "Tomorrow... I'll buy you another flower... Don't worry..." Gugu said to her. His body was starting to fail him. "No, Gugu. We'll go pick it ourselves. I know of only one place where this flower blooms. Do you know of it too, Gugu?" Rean asked, smiling. "Of... course... We'll definitely go..." Gugu said. Rean's smile grew.

Rean opened Gugu's mask, and his blood fell on her cheek. "Rean... I love you..." Gugu confessed. 

Tears fell out of Rean's eyes as she sat up to kiss Gugu.

''To Your Eternity'' || (Fushi and Nameless Boy x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now