Part 22 || You found us!

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"Hey, it's over here! This is where that monster lives!" a group of three people exclaimed, approaching Gugu's tent. "Scary..." the girl of the group said. "But nobody's here..." the second boy said. You jumped out of the tent in your wolf form, growling at them. "AHHH!" the girl shouted, covering her eyes. "Calm down, it's just a stupid dog." the first boy said, throwing a stick at you. "Oh, yeah, haha..." the girl nervously said. You snarled again.

Fushi then leapt out the trees in his big bear form. The group ran away saying, "THERE'S ACTUALLY A MONSTER!!" "We did it,  guys!" Gugu said, fist bumping you and Fushi. 

- - -

Next, you, Gugu, and Fushi were seen scaring multiple people. You and Gugu rode on Fushi's back in Fushi's wolf form. 

"You see that? That face was hilarious!" Gugu said, laughing. "Yeah." Fushi said, holding you on his back. You were tired and you fell asleep, and Fushi didn't want to disturb you from your sleep so now you were piggy back riding him. You were making stirring sounds in your sleep. "Gugu. Not going back?" Fushi asked. "Hmm?" Gugu inquired. "To beer gramps' place." Fushi said. "No." Gugu said sternly. "What are you saying, man? Didn't you hear? Beer gramps stuffed alcohol inside of me!" Gugu said. "Wah!" Gugu exclaimed, falling down.

"Gugu!" Fushi exclaimed. "What... I... can't move..." Gugu said. Fushi gently placed you down and shook you awake. "What...?" you said, rubbing your eyes. "Gugu?" you asked. "Misen... I-I can't move..." Gugu repeated. Fushi picked Gugu up. "I help." you said, trying to help Fushi pick him up. "No. You tired." Fushi said. You both took Gugu back to his tent. 

"...I haven't eaten anything in so long..." Gugu complained. "Do you guys have anything?" Gugu asked, panting. "No..." Fushi said. "I don't know." you said. "I see..." Fushi said. "Hmm..." you said. "Hm? Is something on your mind, Misen...?" Gugu asked. You tried to think of all the foods you've ate and touched before, and put your hand out. You made a fruit and gasped.

"Fushi look, Fushi look! Try to make it! Try!" you said happily. He put his hand out and created dango. "I made it! We made it, Gugu!" Fushi shouted. "Shut up." Gugu said, laying down on his side. "Wait! I'll make some food!" Fushi said. "Me too!" you shouted. You and Fushi started to make food and shoved it in Gugu's face. "Got it!" Fushi said. "Mmph!" Gugu said, his head get bombarded with foods. "Eat up! Try it!" You said happily.

Gugu took a bite and absolutely loved it. "This is great! You can even make food now?!" Gugu asked, gobbling the food down. "Yeah!" Fushi said. You smiled excitedly. "What other kinds of foods can you guys make?" Gugu asked. "A lot!" Fushi said. "Yeah!" you said, making a raw fish without the head. And Fushi made the fish head. "Ohh..." Gugu said, a little grossed out. "Amazing... anything else?" Gugu asked, taking the fish head and fish body. "That's all." Fushi said. "Here." you said, creating a bowl of plain white rice. "Oh... I see..." Gugu said.

- - -

After eating lots of fruit, dango, and rice Gugu was finally full. "Ahh... can't eat anymore..." Gugu groaned. Then a small, white, fluffy dog walked over. "Woof-" the dog said. You didn't pay any attention to it and instead was playing with a ladybug. "Joaan?" Fushi asked. You immediately perked your head up. "Huh? Joaan?" you asked Fushi. He pointed to the dog. You felt a rush of sadness wash over you. "Myrr! What're you doing here? Did you run away again?" Gugu asked as the dog laid on him. "Joaan." Fushi said. You tried to recall the name Joaan, and finally remembered. Joaan was Fushi's old name.

"No. Not Joaan." you said. "Misen's right. This is Myrr, Rean's dog. Who's Joaan anyway?" Gugu asked. "Joaan..." Fushi mumbled. "A person said that name when they saw my face." Fushi said. "Then Joaan must have been your name." Gugu said. "Was it your parents who called you that?" Gugu asked. "I don't know who." Fushi said. "Misen, you must know, right?" Gugu asked. You looked down. "But that person was my first person. They became hollow, unable to move, and I became them." Fushi explained. "Is that it?" Gugu asked. "No. Me and Misen saw the black hooded man. Black hooded man saved him." Fushi said.

"H-he revived them?!" Gugu asked. "Revive?" you asked. "Ah, nevermind..." Gugu muttered. "So the person who originally had your appearance died, but somehow revived...?" Gugu asked. "Died?" Fushi asked. "Misen, who did you become?" Gugu said. You tried to think. "I didn't become." you said. "Ughhh... I wish you guys could speak better." Gugu said. "You guys could also turn into a little girl, right?" Gugu asked. "Did she die as well? That huge bear and the wolf too?" Gugu kept asking. "What is death?" Fushi asked again. You weren't really paying attention and were playing with the dog now.

"It's that hollowness you spoke of. But once it happens, you can never turn back. Pain... I had thought you were reacting to pain when you created things. It seems you react to emotional pain as well. So if I died and you were emotionally hurt, you would be able to become me. Something like that." Gugu explained. "I think." Fushi said. "Misen! Are you paying attention?" Gugu asked. "Huh?" you inquired. Gugu facepalmed himself. Gugu switched back to the topic they were talking about. "That's great though. It's really great!" Gugu said. "Why?" Fushi asked. 

"Even if I die, you and Misen at least will continue to think of me, right?" Gugu asked. You had fallen asleep again. "Yeah." Fushi said. "You know, I'm all alone. If  I had grown up in a normal household, I would eat food everyday... have a bed to sleep in every night... a mother to nurse me when I get sick... a father to ask me how I'd be doing everyday... older sisters who would tease me, but play with me... a brother who would teach me everything... to live a life where I matter to people- it'd be a matter of course. But... but then... One day, I would feel that discomfort." Gugu said.

Gugu had a flashback of his old family taking all of the other siblings and leaving him. "I thought they were my family, but they were just my employers. The only one who actually thought of me was my brother. Ever since we became alone, he's always been kind to me. But now even that is in the past. In the end, I'm alone. But now you're here. I'm sorry for what I did, Fushi. I'm sorry for hurting you and Misen. ...If I die, become me, Fushi" Gugu said.

Fushi looked at your sleeping body and moved closer to it. "Yeah." Fushi said. "Haha... I'm a bit sleepy now..." Gugu muttered. "Did you eat too much?" Fushi asked. "Right now, I'm really happy. After all, you're worrying about me. And I bet if Misen were awake she'd be doing the same. You'd both think of me. And you're both here for me... I feel like that's what family should be..." Gugu said, rolling onto his side. "Gugu?" Fushi asked.

"Found you! What are you doing here?!" Rean asked, holding Myrr. Gugu immediately backed up and covered his face. Her loud voice woke you up with fright. Fushi looked at Rean angrily since she had woken you up. "Oops! Sorry, did I wake you up? Haha..." Rean nervously said, looking at Fushi's mad face. "Rean?!" Gugu exclaimed. "I spent so much time looking for you!" Rean said.  "What?! How did you find us?!" Gugu asked. "I could hear Myrr. He likes to run away too much." Rean explained.

You ended up falling asleep again, this time with your head on Fushi's lap.

Fushi smiled.

''To Your Eternity'' || (Fushi and Nameless Boy x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now