Part 8 || Dreams.

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"Mama! Papa! March came back!" March shouted, running towards her parents gleefully. "March!" her parents shouted, opening their arms. "Huh? Where's Risa?" March asked. March heard crunching and crackling in the distance, then saw a giant bear chewing and mauling her baby sister, Risa, and her friend, Lara. She looked at them in terror.

"It's your fault, March." Parona said to March with a disappointed look. "Big sis...?" March asked. "Because you ran away, two people became sacrifices."  Parona said again, disgust in her voice. The townspeople appeared behind her.

March woke up from her dream, breathing heavily, on the verge of tears.

- - -

Fushi woke up from his rest, and shook you awake. He stood walking away, and you quickly followed. You both followed March. "Oh!" March exclaimed. "W-why'd you guys follow me?" March asked smiling. She climbed up the tree and threw two fruits down for you guys. "Here you go." she said, then started to walk away. You both kept following her, waiting for more fruit. She kept throwing and throwing, until she stopped and turned around. She put her hands on her hips and smiled. "Oh! It's almost as if March is your mother!" she said, gesturing to you both. 

"That's right! I'll give you both a name. You first, white haired boy. You're immortal so... uhm..." March pondered. "How about Fushi? Too uncool? Then... Fu?" she asked. She turned to you. "You're immortal too! Hm... well... His name is already Fu. How about-" you cut her off by immediately shaking your head. "Oh, you do have a name?" she asked. You tried to pronounce your name, "M-m-" you kept saying, but you couldn't get your words out. "M- mi-" you kept attempting.

"Oh! Mimi?" she asked. You shook your head. "Mise-" you attempted again. March understood. "Misen? Big sis told me that name means 'beautiful immortal'! Now I understand why you have that name!" March exclaimed.

- - -

"Ah... I'm so bored I might fall asleep..." the guard said tiredly. "Yeah, they're late." the other guard said. The guards sighed, as Parona, who was tied to a pole, took her hidden knife out of her shoe with her mouth. She then started to saw the rope off of her hands. Grr- Rumble. Growl. they heard in the distance. "Huh?" a guard inquired. Parona looked up in curiosity. A big bear then tore the trees down, and was coming towards them. "Wha-" a guard said, obviously in shock. "RUN!" a guard said, who was standing in front of the bear. The bear chomped down onto his body, chewing aggressively. Parona looked up in terror. "Gyaaaaa!" "Uwaaaa!" the other guards were screaming while running away. Crush. Mush. were the sounds of the guard being chewed to death by the bear. The bear looked at Parona with the guards chewed up leg hanging out of its mouth, while Parona desperately kept sawing at her rope.

The bear slammed its paw down, demolishing the pole altogether. Parona shot an arrow at the bear rapidly approaching her. As she saw the bear take no damage, she said, "Sh-" but was cut off when the bear flew her into the air with his lowly paw.

- - - 

"We've found you, March." Hayase spoke. March looked at Hayase, fruit in hand, with you and Fushi behind her.

- - -

Parona was thrown into a river. "I'll come save you right now!" Parona shouted, talking about March.

- - -

"Well, mama needs to go now." March said, throwing the fruit towards you and Fushi's feet. You picked up the fruit, while Fushi took a bite of it right in your hands. You looked up at March. "Just kidding. Thanks." March said with a smile, as she walked with Hayase whom would soon lead her to her death. March walked away, rubbing her tears.

"March! Where are you?! Where did you go?!" Parona shouted. She slid down the hill, and bumped into you and Fushi. You both stopped, as you stepeed in front of Fushi. Parona breathed heavily as she asked, "Uhm... Have you seen... A small girl around here? She has long hair..." You and Fushi looked in the direction of when you saw March walk last. "Where?! Where..." Parona said, following you and Fushi.

''To Your Eternity'' || (Fushi and Nameless Boy x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now