Part 16 || Give. Him. Back.

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"And so they continued walking, in search of the next stimulus. They spent most of their time as  wolves, likely to the end of sniffing out their destination. They did not take the form of the bear, likely because of how much it would pain them. They occasionally took the form of the boy and Misen, to no significant end. When they hungered, they took the form of March, likely because they could thus best obtain the trees' fruit." the black hooded man said. "And finally, they reached a familiar scent."

- - -

You and Fushi wandered off in March's form, only to see the old woman. "Oh." she first said. "Where'd you run off to?! I was looking for you since you randomly disappeared!" she then said. "It was really annoying! I was looking for you for three days and nights, and I had to beg for food, and then when I was going to give water to the donkey, it ran away, then I was stranded here staving off the wind and rain--" the old woman continued. Then you appeared behind Fushi. "Ahh! Why are there two of you?!" she screamed. "And where is Parona?! And those two demons?!" she continued to scream. You both hopped into the wagon.

"Hey, you guys going to say anything?" the old woman asked. You both looked at March's stuffed animal that was still on the floor of the wagon, then you changed back into your normal form. And Fushi changed back into the form of the boy. "Oh! What, it was you two! The people who don't speak!" she exclaimed. You and Fushi continued to look at the toy, then you picked it up. "Hmm... I don't really know what happened, but I can see that you're the only two around now." the old woman said. 

You put the toy down and got up to leave. Fushi followed after you. "W-Where are you two going?! Hey, you can't leave an elderly woman alone!" she said, running after you both. "Though I can't understand at all what goes on through your heads..." she said. "When do you both take March's form? What do you both think of them? Even if you're both demons, don't you guys have some feelings or something?" the old woman asked. You and Fushi ignored her and continued to walk. "Although I can see that you guys don't have any way to express them. I'd like to look into your heart sometime..." the old woman said, struggling to keep up. 

"Speaking of which, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since two days ago. Should we stop and rest?" the old woman asked. You and Fushi continued to walk, leaving the old woman huffing. "Water... meat..." the old woman puffed out. She looked at your leg, which had human meat on it. "LEG MEAT!" the old woman shouted, latching her teeth onto your leg. You struggled to get her off in your human form, so Fushi turned into his wolf form and pushed the old woman off. You then changed into your wolf form. Fushi snarled at the old woman.

"Eeh, why not, you're not losing anything! Let me cook and eat you!" the old woman said. "TREAUSURE YOUR ELDERS!" the old woman shouted, trying to catch you. You turned into March's form and climbed up the tree. Fushi did the same. Fushi then took a fruit off the branch and started to munch on it. "Please, give me some too! I wouldn't bite you anymore! Please!" the old woman pleaded. March took a fruit and threw it at the old woman's head. "Ow!" she yelled. She took the fruit and sunk her teeth into it. "Aah, it's good! It's good!" she said, chewing the fruit. You and Fushi hopped down. "Thank you!" Fushi shouted, trying to get the old woman to say it too.

"Thank you, thank you! Good girls, good girl!" the old woman praised, rubbing you and Fushi's head. 

- - -

You and Fushi were in your wolf form. "Oh, a map." the old woman said. "Oh! There's a village nearby! Although it's a hundred ri away." the old woman said again. "How about it, Fushi and Misen? My hometown is beyond the ocean. Should we go visit?" she asked. You and Fushi looked at the old woman writing something down on a piece of paper in her language. You stared at it. "Hmm?" the old woman asked. You and Fushi changed into your human forms. You took the paper and looked at it. "What's wrong?" the old woman asked as you started to look at the paper from different angles. "Hey!" she said when Fushi grabbed her writing tool. You put the paper down and grabed the other writing tool. You drew all over the paper, and so did Fushi. 

''To Your Eternity'' || (Fushi and Nameless Boy x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now