Part 25 || I'll help!

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"By the very process of one's living, it is inevitable that something will arise to impede that community." The black hooded man said. "Misen! Misen!" Gugu shouted. Fushi tried to shake you. "It will attack the fundamental constitution of that life, and impede its freedom of choice." the black hooded man continued. While Fushi tried to shake you awake, flakes of yourself rubbed off and were floating. Gugu touched you and the same thing happened. "What is this?" he asked.

"I don't think highly of this. Freedom of choice is a valuable right that should be given to all."  the black hooded man finished. The knocker took your form of March, which also made it somehow take it from Fushi as well. "Wha..." Gugu said in shock. The knocker shot it's branch out, about to hit Gugu. "Agh!" Gugu said. But you turned into your original human form and pushed Gugu out in time. Fushi also jumped in front, blocking the attack with an arrow. "M-Misen...!" Gugu said, you toppled over Gugu when you helped him dodge the attack. "Fushi!" he yelled when he saw Gugu holding the branch.

"Gugu... Misen... run..." Fushi grunted. The knocker took the arrow with its branch. You got up but stumbled a bit. The knocker hit its branches out again, but Fushi created multiple arrows to block it. You were mad at yourself for not being more help. "Run! Fast!" Fushi shouted. "NO!" you shouted. "I'll help you!" Gugu said. The knockers surrounded you all in a ball with its branches but Fushi changed into his big bear form, breaking the branches. You and Gugu got flung, and you hit your head on the tree, making it bleed. "Misen!" Gugu shouted. Your wound quickly healed. Fushi turned back into his human form.

"Fushi...!" Gugu shouted. He got one of the arrows and threw it at the knocker with a "Ha!". It hit the knocker straight in the head. "Got 'em!" Gugu said. The knocker took its branch and wrapped it around Gugu's ankle, picking him up. "Huh?" Gugu asked. The knocker then threw Gugu. "Gugu!" you gasped. "Gugu!" Fushi yelled. This caught Fushi off guard and the knocker stabbed a big hole through Fushi's stomach, taking Kosetsu's form away from him. "Ugh!" Fushi grunted. You and Fushi could now not remember Kosetsu.

"Ugh..." Gugu grunted. He then burped and threw up some of the alcohol stored in him. "Misen... Fu... shi..." Gugu muttered. He had a flashback of Pyoran telling them that they were attacked by a weird being in the woods. "What... should I do...?" Gugu asked himself. The alcohol he threw up suddenly caught on fire. "Hot!" Gugu exclaimed. "Why is there fire here?!" he asked, shock. He looked at a torch on fire. "Hm... when I spit out that alcohol, the area caught fire..." Gugu pondered. He stared at the torch and took it, running away. "I have an idea!" he said, running.

You and Fushi were still in your wolf forms, fighting the knocker. Good! While it's busy with Fushi and Misen... take a big breath... clench your stomach... and in one go! Gugu thought, trying to get the alcohol out. What?! Why?! It was so powerful earlier! Did it run out?! Gugu thought. "Dangerous!" Fushi shouted, pounding Gugu off the tree. The knocker threw you at another tree, breaking your ribs. They quickly regenerated. You snarled at the knocker. "If you don't run, I will be angry!" Fushi shouted. "Leave here!" you shouted, biting the knocker's branch off. "Guh..." Gugu said. "Quick!" you shouted again.

Gugu started to run. "Hold out! I'll be back in five minutes!" Gugu shouted. "No!! If come back, I will bite!" Fushi shouted back. "I will bite harder!" you shouted as well. "Fine with me!" Gugu yelled back. Wait for me, guys! I'll come right back to save you! In one minute, I'll be at home. In two minutes, I'll have the alcohol. Gugu fell onto the floor with a thud. My eyes... Gugu thought, his vision getting blurry. That's right... this is the alcohol... Gugu thought, getting on all fours, trying to get up.

I'm the only one who can save them... go...! A little more... that's right... Gugu thought, finally barging open the door of the house. Gugu saw Rean's parents apprehending her and their workers there as well. "T-that's the guy who was with Lady Rean!" the man said, point at Gugu. "What?!" Rean's father practically shouted. "Are you the one who misled our daughter?" Rean's father asked Gugu. "Hey! Aren't you listening? I told you I ran away alone! They're not related to this!" Rean argued. "Just what did you do to our daughter?!" Rean's father asked angrily. "Isn't it about time you return? You'll be late." Rean's mother told Rean's father. "Sorry, I wouldn't think they would come this far..." Rean apologized.

"Ngh..." Gugu grunted. "What's wrong, Gugu? You look a bit sick." Pyoran asked nervously. Gugu pounded his upper half of his body on the counter and shouted, "gremps, gimme some beer! A good, nice, strong 'un!" everybody looked at Gugu in shock.

"Heehee. *burp*" Gugu said.

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