Chapter 5

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The attack on Konoha was fast, hard and seemingly endless. The third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi was in a heated battle with Orochimaru of the Sannin - his former student. Orochimaru had used the Reanimation jutsu to revive the first two Hokage to fight against Hiruzen but the old Hokage had a few tricks up his sleeve.

He wasn't going to die that easily, after a not so friendly reunion with his mentors, he managed to break the contract holding them captive and freed them from Orochimaru's control. The snake panicked seeing that the playing field was now even, drawing out his sword he ran at his former teacher and began to clash with him.

Orochimaru had a plan, he just stalled till Naruto got there. What a way to break the will of the man, to be killed by the very boy you swore to protect. It didn't take too long as Naruto and Sasuke arrived at the exam arena. Naruto seeing the barrier jumped towards it leaving Sasuke behind who quickly followed.

Kakashi who had seen them head towards there followed as well and most of the Jounin and rookie genin made their way there as well. As Naruto landed by the sound four they instinctively lowered the barrier just so only he could enter.

He ran up to the battle to see that Orochimaru was in quite the predicament. The Shinigami was standing behind Hiruzen as Orochimaru was about to be sealed away. Hiruzen did see Naruto making his way through the barrier sighed in relief at the reinforcement, but to his shock Orochimaru's blade came straight through his gut making him release the jutsu.

His eyes widened seeing Naruto with his hands on the hilt of the blade, a scowl on his face.

"W-why?" Hiruzen asked coughing out blood.

Naruto glared at the man before answering. "Why? Why?! You ruined my life! You lied to me! You watched me suffer! You watched me get beaten! insulted! heck even raped! You watched me go through hell and you did absolutely nothing! So why wouldn't I do this?! If you were in my shoes, you would do the same!"

Hiruzen looked down in shame, a lone tear escaping his eyes

'I failed you Minato, I'm sorry'

"Naruto what are you doing?!" Kakashi shouted from outside the barrier.

Naruto turned to see all his "friends" and sensei watching helplessly.

"I am no longer a shinobi of Konoha" he said taking off his headband and slashing through the leaf symbol.

"Here me you all, I will be back, and when I do ... Konoha and the elemental nations will fall"

All of them watched in horror as their Kage was turned to dust in front of their very eyes.

"It's been fun Naruto-kun, but we must get going" Orochimaru hissed. Naruto looked at them one last time, before vanishing in a poof of smoke. Asuma slumped down to his knees.

"That ... Bastard" he cried.

The barrier dropped and the attack on Konoha ended. Their Kage was dead, and at the hands of a boy some saw as a friend.


The leaf village had a hard time recovering from the blow that the attack dealt on them. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage, died at the hands of Naruto Uzumaki the nine tails jinchuriki now turned rogue shinobi. The other rookies couldn't believe that Naruto would do such a thing - and abandon them. The funeral for the dead Kage was sober and a low-spirited event. Asuma was in a silent rage, vowing to personally avenge his father's death.

'You will pay for this Naruto'

Back at Orochimaru's hideout, Naruto was settling into the system just fine. Though he wanted to get power right away. Orochimaru as well wasted no time in beginning his plans to make Naruto into a superweapon.

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