Chapter 4

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Team 7 walked into the academy feeling a bit of nostalgia. They were there for the chunnin exams. Earlier they were given forms by Kakashi saying that they could try for the rank if they wanted. Of course Sasuke agreed and Naruto with his own motives did as well.

From what it seemed Sakura did as well as they all walked into room 301 only to get hit with the bloodlust of everyone there. Sakura began trembling and Sasuke had a small sweat run down his face, Naruto wasn't affected at all. After all Kurama's killing intent was way more than this.

"Hey Naruto, long time no see!" Kiba yelled running up to them.

"Don't talk like we're friends" Naruto snapped back.

"Yo" Shikamaru said as his team walked up to them.

Ino and Sakura immediately began their Sasuke fawning, trying to outdo the other but a young man approached them.

"You must be rookies since you're making this much of a racket, I suggest you keep shut or you'll be their targets" he said pointing at the other participants. Some of them shivered at the bloodlust in the air.

A tall man with dark glasses walked into the room telling them to shut up and sit down.

"Alright maggots, this test will be a written portion, you are to answer all nine questions given to you, and the tenth will be given personally by me, begin"


"This is the forest of death huh?" Naruto asked no one in particular.

A kunai grazed his cheek drawing some blood, and Anko, the second proctor appeared behind him with the kunai to his neck.

"Pay attention when I'm talking will you?"

Naruto took the kunai from her, and she watched in shock as it turned to dust.

"Stay away from me, or this just might be you" he said leaving her there.

A distance away a certain grass kunoichi licked her lips in excitement.

"The nine tails jinchuriki, and it seems he has a kekkei genkai, you'll have to wait a bit Sasuke-kun"

A while later the test had begun and team 7 didn't take long to run into another team with the scroll they needed. Naruto stood back as Sasuke and surprisingly Sakura managed to take them out.

"Good, let's get moving" he said jumping off as they followed.

After about a good 500 metres Naruto like a cat suddenly screeched to a halt and jumped out if the way as a huge snake barreled towards them. Sasuke pulled Sakura with him and the snake crashed into the tree they just left.

Naruto dusted himself down and the snake rushed at him at full speed, but Naruto was ready this time. Jumping up he landed on its mouth as it tried to swallow him, and he slammed his hands down onto it decaying it instantly. A grass kunoichi dropped down to the ground and kicked her lips.

"My my, you've killed my summoning, quite the interesting power you have there Naruto-kun"

"Just who the hell are you really? You won't fool me with that disguise" Naruto snapped.

The ninja laughed before proceeding to tear off their face. "I am Orochimaru, and I'm here for you Naruto-kun"

Sasuke and Sakura were frozen at the bloodlust coming from Orochimaru. A legendary Sannin was after Naruto, a rogue one at that. Sasuke stabbed himself with a kunai freeing himself from the effects. Sakura had passed out in fear. Sasuke jumped out and shot a fireball at Orochimaru who simply slapped it away.

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