Chapter 3

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"Old man, we need a better mission" Naruto said coldly.

Hiruzen sighed knowing it was coming.

"Kakashi do you think they're ready?" the old man asked.

"Yes actually, Naruto and Sasuke can hold their own fine, Sakura needs work but with the other two she'll be just fine - I hope" he said the last part in a whisper.

"Anbu, bring Tazuna in"

A man oozing of sake stumbled heavily into the room with a jar of said drink.

"Tazuna-san, these are the shinobi assigned to escort you to back to your home" he said pointing at team 7.

" So *hiccup* yer think *hiccup* that these runts err wo-"

He stopped his sentence there as he made eye contact with Naruto.

"Say one more word and you won't have to worry about getting home again"

Tazuna shut up and said nothing more. Hiruzen rubbed his temples.

"Naruto don't threaten the client"

"Meet at the main gate in an hour, not a minute later" Kakashi said dismissing the team. After they had left Kakashi addresses Tazuna.

"If you want to get home in one piece and not as a pile of dust I suggest you keep away from Naruto, he's not your every day shinobi"

Tazuna nodded shakily.


"Watch out!!" Sakura yelled as two unknown shinobi launched at them and to their horror ripped Kakashi in two with their chains.

Naruto after seeing that didn't even hesitate grabbing one by the face and turning him to a pile of dust. Tazuna jumped back in sheer terror.

'He meant it literally, as in literally a pile of dust!! What the hell?!'

The other went to attack Naruto in rage of seeing his brother die.


Sasuke not wanting to be outshone jumped in taking him out rather quickly. Kakashi walked out from behind a tree clapping.

"Well done team 7, now I'm sure you can handle yourselves"

Tazuna became visibly tense. His gig was over. Naruto pinned the other demon brother to a tree and asked

"Just why in the hell two ninja are after a bridge builder?"

"I'm not telling you a damn thing!" he replied spitting in Naruto's face.

Cleaning the spit he sighed the grip on his victims neck tightening.

"It's a shame really, you've seen what happens when all five of my fingers touch you right? What happened to your brother?"

The ninja began to tremble in fear as he felt the last finger edge closer to his neck.

"I-i'll talk, j-j-just let me g-go!"

Naruto's last finger retracted and the ninja revealed everything.

"So this Gato wants to control the land of waves huh" Kakashi said turning to Tazuna.

"Thanks for the info, as a reward you get to see you brother in hell" Naruto said as decay came into full effect.

The last expression on the man's face was that of horror. Sakura threw up seeing how brutal it was and Sasuke was disturbed but his it well. After learning the truth from Tazuna the team decided to continue with the mission, but remained on guard as they knew others lay in wait.

A while after the reached the land of waves, taking a boat across and into the forest surrounding the land. A thick mist filled the air, but Kakashi was suspicious. The mist was thick, too thick, and he sensed chakra in it.

"DUCK!!!!"he yelled pulling Tazuna down as a huge blade flew over their heads, but Naruto didn't duck, the blade embedded itself into his arm cutting it deeply.

"Looks like I already got one" a man in a mask dropped from a tree.

"Zabuza Momoichi, demon of the mist" Kakashi said seriously.

"Ahh Kakashi Hatake, the infamous copy ninja, it's an honor to meet you" Zabuza said with a smirk.

Naruto pulled the blade out of his shoulder, and to the others shock the wound began to close up.

"I'll need my blade back kid"

Naruto smirked at Zabuza and Kakashi did the same knowing what Naruto was about to do. To the shock and horror of Zabuza his famed weapon, the sword that gave him a feared name throughout the elemental nations crumbled to dust before his very eyes.

"My sword!!! What did you do?!" Zabuza yelled dashing at Naruto to kill him but Kakashi stepped in revealing his sharingan shocking everyone.

He charged at Zabuza and their battle began, it was fierce and close but without his sword Zabuza was at a huge disadvantage, and it didn't take long for Kakashi to gain the upper hand.

Zabuza wasn't done though and used tricks to eventually trap Kakashi in a water prison jutsu. Naruto ran at Zabuza and the ninja was too eager to kill him that he didn't notice Sasuke had run up as well and a huge fireball blasted into his back burning him badly, but worse, freeing Kakashi who kicked him forward into the path of Naruto.

Unknown to them a masked nin was watching and knowing what Naruto could do decided to jump in to save Zabuza. Two senbon needles pierced Zabuza's neck as he passed out, but it was already too late. He had flown straight into the hand of Naruto and the nin had to watch Zabuza turn to dust. Team 7 were blasted with a wave of rage and killing intent.

A masked nin dropped down from their hiding place rushing at them.


Kakashi and Sasuke charged at the ninja and began to fight him, but he was quick - very quick, and Kakashi was tired from using the sharingan that it was hard to keep up. Naruto ran into the vicinity as the ninja weaved handsigns.

"Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors!!!"

A huge ice dome encased them all as mirrors appeared everywhere. The ninja appeared in all mirrors at the same time.

"You die here Konoha ninja"

He began throwing senbon at every possible direction at them making them dodge but get hit repeatedly. Naruto edged his way towards the mirrors. If he could just touch it. A voice rang in his head.

"Use my power, now's the time Naruto"

Naruto smirked as a huge burst of red chakra covered him, shaking the dome. In an instant he was healed from all wounds and ran towards the mirrors.

The masked ninja was throw off balance as the entire jutsu began to crumble under them. Having no time to react as they were falling, Kakashi wasted no time using a Lightning blade stabbing through their chest killing them. Tazuna and Sakura came out of their hiding place, mouth's agape at the entire battle.

"The coast is clear, now let's ... head out ..." Kakashi said as he passed out.

Sasuke caught him and with the help of Tazuna they all headed towards his house. Arriving there they saw just how much Gato had ruined the lives of the people there. Kakashi was put down in a room to rest and the team settled in as well.

Naruto though came back just as dinner was being served, by then Kakashi had woken up and was sitting at the dinner table. They all stared at him as it looked like he was training.

"Where have you been? You've been gone since this afternoon?" Sasuke asked narrowing his eyes at him. Naruto gave a sick smile.

"Gato is gone, they're all nothing ... but dust".

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