Chapter 2

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Naruto walked into the classroom for the very last time, just to hear his team placement.

"Team 7, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki"

A high pitched squeal was heard as Sakura the pink banshee celebrated being on the same team with Sasuke. The said Uchiha looked up at Naruto with a small smirk, the latter scowling at him.

Truth be told Naruto absolutely hated Sasuke - and everything he was associated with. Sasuke was the village's golden boy, he was popular, had a lot of sympathizers and was overall respected.

He on the other hand was the total opposite. Ever since he beat the Uchiha in a spar he became a self-proclaimed rival. Naruto couldn't wait to watch him turn to dust. He completely ignored both his teammates and sat away from them - much to Sakura's happiness. Eventually all the Jounin teachers came in and took their teams leaving team 7 behind.

They waited for a good 10 minutes, then 30, then an hour and then two. Finally a silver haired man with one visible eye walked in.

"Team 7, meet me upstairs" with that he vanished from sight.

The three children walked up the stairs and soon reached their sensei.

"Alright, now that we're a team we should get to know each other" he said.

"Can you show us how?" Sakura asked much to the irritation of the man.

"Yes ... My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes are not your concern, and my dislikes are the same, my hobbies and dreams, well you don't need to know that"

Sakura and Sasuke sweatdropped at the lame introduction but Naruto couldn't care less.

"You first pinkie" Kakashi said pointing at the girl.

Sakura growled at the nickname but continued "My name is Sakura Haruno, my likes are *turns to Sasuke*, dislikes are - she was about to look at Naruto but her better judgement told her not to- Ino pig!, My dream for the future is ... *Squeals again*"

"Well ... that was shitty" Kakashi stated plainly.

"You duckass hair"

Sasuke had no visible reaction to the nickname but continued

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, my likes are few, and dislikes are many, especially annoying fangirls, my dream is not a dream, but a reality I will create, I will kill a certain person and avenge my clan"

Kakashi cringed at this and turned to Naruto, but surprisingly he didn't give him a nickname. Something about the kid was unsettling, even as a Jounin his senses were screaming danger signals at him.

"You're next"

Sasuke and Sakura were surprised he didn't give Naruto a nickname but made no comment.

"Naruto Uzumaki, likes none, dislikes everything, my goal - well I don't have a noble goal or any of that shit. I just want to destroy everything I don't like"

Kakashi was put on guard by this, he knew Naruto and that he was by a mile not a normal kid, but this level of hatred put even Sasuke's to shame. Plus he said he hates everything, and then he wants to destroy everything he hates.

'I will have to keep a close eye on this one' he thought to himself.

"Alright kids, tomorrow meet me at training ground 7, we'll be having a little test to determine if you're worthy of being on my team. Oh and I suggest you don't eat, or you'll puke it up" he said poofing into smoke.

"A clone" Sasuke said thoughtfully.

Sakura as usual sat ogling at him with lust. Naruto sat quietly waiting for the other two to get out, but unfortunately - and much to his annoyance they didn't. Sasuke sat staring at him trying to figure him out as usual, and Sakura being Sakura remained so she could have her Sasuke time.

"What do you want Uchiha? he asked in an annoyed tone.

"Spar with me" the Uchiha said.

"Yeah Naruto! Spar with Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura shrieked.

"Unless the both of you want to die, you should leave me the hell alone" Naruto said in an annoyed tone.

With that he walked off leaving them to their antics.

"Can't wait to snap that pretty little neck of her's" Naruto thought evilly.


"Why is he so late?!"  Sakura shrieked much to the dismay of Sasuke.

They had been there for two hours already and they didn't eat that morning. Suddenly they looked up hearing the ruffle of grass to see Naruto walking lazily up to them.

"You're late!!" Sakura yelled again.

Sasuke looked annoyed but said nothing.

"I can't see how I'm late if the sensei isn't even here" Naruto stated plainly.

It seemed he was in a good mood today. Suddenly Sasuke's stomach growled and Naruto laughed.

"Can you believe it, the great last Uchiha was dumb enough to listen to that crap sensei told us, and I expected that from you though" he said pointing at Sakura.

"He said we shouldn't eat, you're already breaking rules" Sasuke said angrily.

"Point of correction Sasuke, he suggested. You know what, I don't have time for this, come out sensei or I'll kill you"

Kakashi dropped on cue surprising the other two.

"Quite the interesting choice of words you used there"

"Now let's begin shall we" he said putting a timer on a stump.

"Here's the test, you three have to get these bells from me before the timer runs out, or you fail".

"But there are only two bells" Sakura pointed out.

"Not my problem" Kakashi said shrugging.


All three jumped into the bushes, Kakashi could sense where they were but Naruto was completely off the radar. Probably from learning to hide from the villagers when he was a kid.

He could still sense the immense killing intent that was leaking off from the forest around him, but he couldn't sense Naruto. He was thinking of pulling out his book but decided he wouldn't, because Naruto couldn't be taken lightly it seemed.

A wave of kunai hurdled at him and Sasuke ran out of the bushes charging at him. He soon closed the distance and a fierce taijutsu bout began. Kakashi was quick to realize that Sasuke was good - but not good enough. Pulling out his notebook he effortlessly weaved and countered all of Sasuke's moves, eventually kicking him away a good few feet. To his shock Sasuke weaved handsigns.

"Fire style!! Fire ball jutsu!!"

A huge ball of flames was launched at Kakashi who used a mud wall to block the attack. That was all Naruto needed as he dashed at the mud wall, placing a hand on it decaying it completely, shocking Kakashi as he didn't sense him at all. By then Naruto had grabbed the bells but they crumbled into dust on contact.

"There, we pass" Naruto said.

"Are you insane?! You destroyed the bells!!! We all fail!!!" Sasuke yelled at him.

"Actually you did pass, the test was all about teamwork, and though you didn't use it much you still used it - and got the bells, though next time you might want to add Sakura into the mix as well"

Sasuke calmed down hearing this and Sakura came running out of the bushes.

"Meet me tomorrow at the Hokage tower, we begin missions, welcome to team 7". Sasuke smirked and Naruto scoffed and began to walk away.

"Hey Naruto, what was that move you used earlier?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"I don't feel like telling" was his reply as he walked away.

'Yep, definitely need to keep an eye on him'.

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