Authors Note

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I just wanna clear some things up. 

1.) Rose only has one biological sibling. Harry Potter.

2.) Audrey was taken in by Clint, before he even met Rose. However she was a pre-teen when he took her in and calling him dad didn't seem accurate for their relationship. They were more like siblings. When Rose started living with Clint, she bonded with Audrey, which is why she calls her an adopted sibling.

3.) Wren is Clint's goddaughter, but Rose raised her. Wren doesn't remember her mother, but Clint makes sure she knows that her mom loved her more than anything in this world.

4.) Oliver isn't in the picture yet. He is also adopted. Rose isn't quite his official godmother, but the situation is real similar.

5.) I'm as thorough as I can be. If you feel like I left out important information, I probably did it on purpose. They will have moment after all the movies are watched where they are gonna see clips of important info. 

For example: Clint and Rose's wedding, Ollie's adoption, Audrey and Clint's first meeting, and Rose meeting Harry. All things that don't fit into the movies. (Comment here on moments you'd like to see. I'll write down the ones I like for later.)

6.) The twins are her only biological kids. It will be explained later.

7.) Speaking of twins, Rose and Natasha aren't actually twins. It's a often used cover for their spying.

8.) Clint calls her Jade as a reference to her eyes being green. She has many nicknames.

9.) Malachai a.k.a Kai, is immortal. He had a hand in her upbringing. He also one of the people who helped her hold onto her humanity and heart. He was the older brother Harry never got to be. 

10.) If you can't tell, I love Shadowhunters, books mostly but the tv show was pretty good. That being said, some things are very similar. If you don't like Malachai and Alec together, then too bad. You can leave. Rose will have her issue with it, but she'll eventually come around.

11.) I believe in redemption. That is why Petunia is there. Her and Harry are gonna talk at some point. So will Bucky and Tony. It won't be pretty but it will get better.

12.) Rose loves to take in strays, so she will most likely adopt a lot of people. Blame Clint. He took in the Romanoff "twins" and now Rose loves to do the same. So she loves pretty much everyone. Tony, Sam, peter, Wanda, etc.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer in the comments

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