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Fury stood in the main control room monitoring the engines damage. He looked up when Hill walked passed him.

"We need evac on the lower hangar bay." he informed the stressed agent.

She gave a simple nod and kept going. She looked over towards another agent and waved her hand for them to assist her.

Right before she made it to the exit, a grenade was rolled into her path.

Her eyes widened before she hollered, "Grenade!" She pushed the agent she called for out of the blast area. This caused her to fly over the railing of the platform they were on.

Fury raised his gun in the direction of where the grenade had come from. He ducked and made his way out of sight. He stood up against the wall of the entrance right when three armored men with guns came stalking in the room.

Fury caught the last guy off guard by grabbing his gun and using his to hit the hostile in the throat. He then took his gun and shot the second guy before running and pistol whipping the first guy.

Fury was too busy beating up the second guy, who was stupid of enough to sit up, to see another hostile enter the room.

"Oh no."

"Watch out!"

Before the guy could even think about shooting Fury, Hill arose from her place on the ground and shot him.

"We've got a perimeter breach!" an agent announced on the PA. "Hostiles are in SHIELD gear."

Coulson had to use his finger print and his eye for the retinal scanner in order to get into the weapons room.

Meanwhile, the hulk was still raging. He threw himself and Thor into the lab before he snatched Thor back up for another fight.

"We have the hulk and Thor on research Level 4. Levels 2 and 3 are dark." The man on the PA called out in panic.

Hill and Fury were two of the few amongst the chaos who were shooting at the assailants. Both looked beaten up and tired, but they soldiered on.

"Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart!" Hill shouted to Fury in between shots.

He took a few shots himself before commanding her, "Get his attention."

Hill ducked and took cover. "Escort 6-0, proceed to wishbone and engage hostile." she spoke into her earpiece. "Don't get too close."

A fighter jet had flown to the area that held the hulk and Thor. The pilot hovered close enough to the window that he could get an accurate targeting point. He could clearly see both the hulk and Thor fighting through the windows he hovered in front of.

"Target acquired." he said. The man watched as the hulk tossed Thor behind him and out of the line of fire. "Target engaged."

The hulk stopped his advance towards Thor when gun fire rained on him. The big guy turned around towards the jet in rage.

Thor slid across the floor and out of the way of the flying bullets that ricocheted off of the green giant.

The hulk roared at the audacity the human had to shoot at him. He bounded towards the window.

The agent's eyes widened at the invincibility of the hulk. "Target angry, target angry!" he yelled into the comms as the hulk leapt out of the window and landed onto the nose of the jet.

"Yeah, no shit."

"Language." Euphemia huffed at Regulus.


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