Chapter 21

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Paige Pov:

October 12, 2020

The weather had started to get colder meaning the season was about to start. Elli's season has ended, well they continue their season at the end of March. Today was our photo shoot so the team and the men's team were in the gym, in uniform ready to take some photos. First night was in 2 days meaning the season was about to start in a few more weeks.

Everyone was chatting and messing around with each other, waiting for their turn to take their photos. Once it finally got my turn walked up and saw Elli finishing up Evinas photos. There was a camera strapped around her neck as she was holding it and instructing Evina what poses to do with the ball, as she was taking the photos. She was wearing some leggings and a grey Newport sweater with her air forces, her hair was down and the bracelets that she always wore were on her wrists.

"Hey babe," She says smiling as she finishes up with E.

"Hey," I say kissing her cheek, slightly confused. "You do photography?" I ask

"Oh yeah, she does," Evina says. "She's been doing it ever since she was 13." 

"Evina told Jasmine, I was really good at it, so for our last photo shoot until march," Jasmine was the photographer for all the teams, "she asked me if I could help her with photographing every sport except soccer because I play, it," She says smiling.

"That's really cool," I reply smiling, as I grab a basketball. "That means you'll take my pictures extra nice," I say winking at her as she laughs.


"Alright I just need Nika, Aaliyah, and Paige and then I'll be done," Elli says looking at the three of us.

"Andre, and Adama I'll take you over here, the rest of you are free to go," Jasmine says

Nika, Aaliyah, and I walk over to Elli where she has her set up.

"I was thinking you guys could do a picture together, just like Evie, Chris, and Liv did," She says and asks, looking at all three of us.

"Sound good," Nika states smiling.

"Yeah, I'm down," Liyah says

"Sounds cool," I reply

"Okay great, Aaliyah stand on the right, Nika stand in the middle-"

"Why do I have to stand in the middle?" Nika says whining.

"Because you're the shortest out of the three of you and it makes sense," Elli says as if she's asking a question, making me and Liyah laugh. 

"No I'm not!" Nika says.

"Nika just stand there and quit acting like a baby," Liyah says

She sticks her tongue out at her before standing next to Liyah, I stand next to Nika on her other side. Elli grabs a ball and hands it to Nika, and Nika takes it smiling, the Wilson part facing the camera. "Ha I'm the special one," She jokes around laughing making Elli laugh,

"Paige, Liyah cross your arms," Elli says as she brings the camera to her eyes and captures a photo or a few.

After Elli took the photos of all three of us, we helped her pack up all her stuff. After helping her we changed into some comfortable clothes and helped Elli walk all her stuff to her dorm. Once we were all done with putting Elli's camera stuff away we decided we'd go eat since it was around 3.

"Chipotle?" Liyah asks as we all sat in the car, Elli and I in the back while Liyah was driving and Nika was in the passenger seat next to her.

"For sure I haven't had some in a while," Nika says

"Guys, the new Avengers movie came out, you guys want to go see it after we eat? Some movies start at 5 and 6, we'd have time to watch it if your down," I say.

"For sure, I've wanted to watch that movie for a while now," Liyah says agreeing to what I just said,

"Yeah, it'll be fun!" Elli nods her head as we arrive at chipotle.

Elli and I walk into Chipotle hand in hand as we head to order our food. Some fan's recognized us because they come over and as for our signatures. Liyah, Nika, and I were signing and taking pictures with a bunch of people as Elli ordered all of our orders.

"Are you Elliana Westbrook?" a couple of kids around the age of 12, ask Elli.

"Yeah I am," She says smiling at them.

"Can we get a photo with you?" They ask.

"Of course," She replies.

I smile as I see Elli take photos with the little kids. She was so kind and gentle with them. She signs their hoodies before they thank her and leave with huge smiles on their faces.

"Order for Westbrook?" A male worker shouts.

"Right here," Elli smiles, grabbing our food as we sit down at a table. She handed us our food and we started to eat. We all ordered a chipotle bowl with carnitas, except for Liyah who ordered a salad.

"Should I book online tickets so we don't have to wait in line once we get to the movie theaters?" Nika asks.

"Yeah go for it," I say eating a spoonful of my food.

 "El, that guy keeps looking at you," Liyah says, catching my attention, and looks at the guy, The guy was sitting two tables down from us and was looking, almost admiring Elli.

Elli looks at the guy and groans, "That's Xavier, he used to have a crush on me all of high school, I didn't even think he'd be in Connecticut," 

"If he keeps staring at you it's going to be a problem," I mutter, shooting daggers at him and making him look away.

"Just ignore him, that's what I did all of high school," She says holding my hand underneath the table and calming me down a bit.

"If he tries something, I'll do something about it too," Nika says looking at him.

"I don't doubt that," Elli replies making Nika look at her with confusion as Liyah and I laugh loudly.

Elli looks at all three of us before standing up. "Shouldn't we get going? The movie about to start,"

"Yeah for sure," Liyah says standing up and grabbing all of our empty plates and throwing them out. We all head out of Chipotle heading to the car

"Hey El, what a surprised to see you here," Xavier says looking at Elli.

I clench my fist under the table and look at him frustrated.

"What do you want Xavier," Elli says annoyed

"Is it a crime to say hi to a friend?" He asks faking sadness.

"We were never friends," She replies 

"Don't be like that El," Xavier said

I glare at Xavier. "Leave her alone, she's taken,"

"By who? Because all I see is a skinny little girl who doesn't know how to defend herself," Xavier responds smirking.

I'm just about to shove him when Liyah pushes me back. "He's just trying to get under your skin, and besides he's not worth it, save that energy for games,"

"C'mon let's go," Elli says grabbing my hand and pulling me into the car.

Liyah and Nika say something to Xavier before getting into the car and driving away from CHipotle and toward the movies. aliyah and Nika seem to be in their own conversation. Nika was asking questions about the movie and Nika was answering them. Elli lays her head on my shoulder as she draws shapes with her fingers on my hand.

"I'm sorry about him," She says softly

"It's not your fault," I reply kissing the top of her head.

She smiles slightly, "You don't have to worry about him,  ya know, I love you and only you," She says picking her head up from my shoulder and looking at me.

"I know and I love you too," I reply pecking her lips

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