Chapter 10

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Elliana Pov:

It's been a few weeks since me and Paige went on that date. It's also been a few weeks since we started dating. We told the people we trust about our relationship. I told my team, Tyler, Jayden and Evina. She also told her team.

Everything's been great between us. We hangout after our practices, we study sometimes together, and we check in on each other. I absolutely adore Paige.

I was currently in the library doing some homework. I had my laptop open and textbooks open all over the table I was using. I had a lot of homework to do and very little time to do it. I run my hand through my hair and sigh.

"Hey" Someone greets me from behind

I look up and see Paige. I smile, "Hi"

She kissed my cheek before sitting down next to me in an empty chair.

"You ok, you seem stressed" Paige asks

"There's just so much I have to do and so little time" I reply groaning

"You need a break" She says standing up "C'mon let's go to my dorm and chill for a bit "

"But i have so much work to do" I say childish like

"So you're saying you don't wanna go cuddle and watch a movie with me?" She asks in a cute voice

I stare at her for a bit before glancing down at my work. I sigh before looking back at her. "I'm only agreeing to this cause your being all cute about it"

A wide grin appears on her face. "You think I'm cute" She says teasingly

I blush before playfully shoving her shoulder, "Shut up Bueckers"


Paige and I were currently laid down on her bed cuddled up. My head was on her chest whilst she had her arms wrapped around me. Our legs were all tangled up against each other's. We were currently watching All American, one of my favorite shows.

"Spencer and Olivia are so cute together" I say still looking at the show

Paige looks down at me in her chest. "Yeah but I know people who are together and are cuter"

"Hmm and who's that" I ask my eyes still glued to the show

"You and me" She says still staring at me

I drag my eyes away from the screen and look up at her. I smile, shaking my head. "Your so cheesy"

"Only for you" She winks

I laugh, shaking my head. I lean up and press our lips together for a sweet kiss. I pull away smiling. When I pull away she pouts.

"That's it?" She says pouting

I roll my eyes playfully before lifting my head up from her chest and leaning down to kiss her. She kissed back immediately and sat me up so I'm practically straddling her. I cup her cheeks adding more passion to the kiss. She puts her hand on my waist.

We pull away to catch our breaths, I pull away smiling and giggling at her. She smiles back at me and leans up to peck my lips again.

"Better?" I ask jokingly

"I could kiss you all day and never get enough of you" She replies smiling

I laugh at what she just said. Then all of a sudden my phone starts ringing. I get off of Paige and grab my phone from the nightstand and see that Issy is calling.

"What's up Issy?" I say into the phone

"Nothing much just wondering if you wanted to go out and get food with me, I'm bored and hungry and have no one to hang with," She says

"Uhm yeah sure, I'm at Paige's dorm" I say

"Oh ok if Paige wants to come she can" Issy says

"Alright see you later Is"

"See you"

I turned to Paige, "You wanna go hangout with Issy?" I ask

"Yeah sure, why not" 


Paige Pov:

"Where are we gonna go eat?" I ask

Elli and I had just picked up Issy and we were currently in the car going to go hangout. I was in the driver's seat with Elli in the passenger seat and Issy was in the back.

"I want something sweet but wherever you guys wanna go is fine with me" Issy says

I look at Elli so she can decide where to eat.

"I'm not really hungry so maybe Dairy Queen?" She responds with a shrug

"Yeah I'm down for some ice cream" Issy smiles

"Yeah me too" I respond turning on the car and heading in the directions of Dairy Queen

After about a 15 minute drive we finally arrived at Dairy Queen. Elli's about to go open the door but I stop her. I quickly get out of my car and run over to Elli's side of the door. I open the door for her with a smile on my face.

"Couldn't have my princess open her door. Would've of been rude of me" I say with a british accent

She laughs, shaking her head as she gets out of the car. "You're really cute, you know that?"

"Oh I know" I wink at her

She rolls her eyes playfully and pushes me lightly. "Your ego just grows with every compliment doesn't it"

I shrug as we start walking to Dairy Queen.

"Are you two done flirting" Issy tease pretending to have a disgusted look on her face

"Your just jealous you don't have anyone opening doors for you" Elli says sticking her tongue out at her

"Yeah alright, I'll get my prince charming one day" Issy says crossing her arms

I laugh at their stupid arguement. "Does your prince charming happen to be Jayden Reid" I tease her

She blushed and looked away. I raise my eyebrow and look at Elli. She laughs and nudges Issy.

"I hope it is" Issy says frowning

Elli wraps an arm around Issy. "You can't force love. The right person will come to you at the right time. Just be patient and have trust. Maybe it's Jayden, maybe it isn't. Who knows. Just wait. Good things happen who those wait," Elli says comforting Issy

I just stare at Elli admiring her. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. She was everything I wanted, and I was so thankful to have her, to call her mine. She was right that good things happen to those who wait. I waited and here I am. I have the most gorgeous, kind, caring and amazing girlfriend.

We ended up buying our ice cream and just hanging out with each other. It ended up getting late so we called it a night. I kissed Elli goodnight and headed to my dorm for a good night's rest.

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