Chapter 12- Amia pov

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•amia pov
For the rest of the day Astra checked my wound's regularly. Yet she hasn't even asked for my name yet.

I already know her. Little Panem. She wasn't born into poverty like me. She could have been a career if she was older.

By sunset we had barely spoken and exchanged a few words.

We had moved into the forest. It was difficult because Astra had to help me walk and it made me wonder if she regretted making an alliance but she showed no hint of regret.

I sighed and shifted awkwardly wondering if I should start a conversation.

"Amia" it came out as a whisper "my name is Amia"

Astra snapped her head to me cocking it slightly.

"Astra" she responded with confidence "I love your name"

"Thank you. It was my grandmother nickname"

A smile emerged from Astras face and it made me realize how young she really was. She had a baby face which paired weirdly with the blood stains.

"Astra, when's your birthday"

"Two weeks before the reaping"

I small weight weighted on my heart. This poor girl is barely even 12.

I didn't respond as she slid me dried fruit. This was my first meal since the first day and even before the games I barely had money for food.

District 8 was one if not the most poorest district.

I glanced at my wounded stomach and wondered if I should have told Astra how I got it. If I did she might kill me or abandoned me which I cannot risk.

How was I supposed to tell her all of the Careers are after me and that they will do anything they can to hunt me down and kill me.

Another weight on my heart made me remember I could be the reason this poor girl dies.

Short chapter because it's not in Astras pov, sorry!

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