Chapter 3- chariot ride

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"Up,up, it's time to get up"  a annoying capital voice woke me up.
I didn't respond but rolled out of bed.
I didn't bother taking a shower again after scrubbing my skin bare last time. I put on the clothes that was stacked in the bathroom floor. This time it was cargo pants with a white sports bra.

After watching the reaping on tv last night with Chardor I found out I was the youngest tribute by far. The second youngest was 14, Jordon she's was from district 8, textiles. She didn't look healthy at all. I felt a sort of pity for her. I wonder if she felt like me. Hopeless.

I sat down at the dinning table made of glass.
Tiffy, Chardor and Dee were already eating.
"Good morning" Tiffy said cheerfully.
"Morning" I sat.
Stacks of pancakes, waffles and muffins lay on the table. I snatched all the pancakes, but leaving one just incase anyone else wanted some. I also may or may not have dumped all the syrup on my pancakes. I could see Tiffy judging me from the other side of the table.

Surprisingly it didn't take long to finish. I tried to drive for the muffins next. Unfortunately for me, Dee swatted my hand away.

"Shouldn't you leave some for me?" He asked with sarcasm.
I thought carefully about my answer, not wanted to get on his bad side.
"Can I have one?" I pouted.
He loaded all the muffins on his plate. This was a sign of war. Don't get in between of me and my muffins.
"One?" I pleaded.
"No" he bit into his first muffin.
But I wasn't going to stop unless I have a muffin. I tried a move my brother had taught me when we used to fake cry in order to get a extra orange at our favourite restaurant. Tears already formed at the thought of my family and soon tears rolled down my cheek.
"Please" I asked again giving my best puppy eyes.

Dee looked shocked. I almost burst out laughing but I held it in.
He dropped a lemon muffin on my plate.
I smiled at him.
"Thank you!"
Chardor cleared his throat awkwardly.
"Today you'll meet with your stylist" he said plainly.


Hours later I laid down on a table exposed. I had been stripped by 3 people I hadn't bothered to remember their names.
"It's just going to sting for a second"
A sharp tingle went through my foot as a scream came from my lips.
"Wow look at how much is on there!" A woman in crazy hair showed me a waxed strip.
I couldn't help myself but laugh at the empty strip.

Pain ripped through my whole body as the team pulled 6 more waxed strips from my body.
They proceeded to pluck my eyebrows and put a slimy green substance on my face.
"Well don't you look perfect" one cheered. I looked at myself in the mirror. It felt awkward looking at my naked body. My instincts told me to cover up but I didn't want to hurt the teams feeling.
"It's great" I told them.
They all erupted in smiles which made me smile a little knowing that they are so much about my opinion.


"I'm Ruse, your stylist"
"Hello" I covered my body with my hands.
"Hands away" he scolded me.
I pulled my hands to my side and I let him circle me.
"Your 12 correct?"
"Yes, sir"
"Your short" he pointed out.
I felt a little insulted but kept my smile. I didn't want him to turn me into a fish.
"Tiffy did say your cute"
"Thank you" I wondered later if it was a compliment or another thing he pointed out.
"Every tribute has there own thing to get sponsors, some are kind, fierce or funny. You are look cute. That's your thing. I think we should embrace this." He told me.

An hour later I was dressed in a mermaid outfit that shimmered in the light. My black hair was pulled into pigtails and a seashell was clipped into my hair.
"Wow" I breathed "thank you"
"Yeah,yeah" he responded "it's my job".

Time moved quickly and before I knew it I was standing in a chariot with Dee. He wasn't wearing a shirt which showed off his muscles, painted scales took the shirts place instead.
"You look great" I told him. I didn't want to get on his bad side after the muffin incident.
"Thanks" he said without looking at me.

Welcome to the 64th annual hungergames chariot ride
A voice rang through my head.
Suddenly we are pulled forward and I feel like I am about to fall out.
"Dee" I whisper, scared to move another inch.
"Dee" I scream again "I'm going to fall" .
This time he looks at me and pulls me up to be beside him. Unintentionally this makes the crowd to wild and I can't help but smile.

Once back in the apartment everyone sits in front of the couch. Eager to see the chariot ride on tv.
"Welcome Pamen to the 64th chariot ride!"
Caeser Flickerman spoke into the camera
"Here comes district 1, dressed in fine diamonds, gorgeous as always. Oh district 2 is coming up, woah they shine like never before, dont they"
He turned to his partner
"Indeed they do Caeser, reminds me of when district 1 wore mirrors in the 53rd games"
"Yes that's it"
"3 is next with its usual outfit"
"Still stunning as ever"
"Of course it is, it's district 3"
He laughed
"District 4 follows with- oh wow look at that handsome man"
"Amazing designer, wait Caeser she seems to me falling out of the chariot"
Caeser leaning in closer, squinting
"Oh dear, that poor girl, only 12 but every pretty don't you think"
"It seems Dee has helped her up"
"What a beautiful moment"

I didn't care to listen to the rest. The capital managed to make my moments of horror into a beautiful moment. I turned to Dee.
"Thank you for helping me" I told him
He faced me this time happy that our moment got us extra time on tv.
"Anytime" He smirked.

THE 64TH HUNGERGAMES- YOUNGEST VICTOR (hungergames fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now