Chapter 6- the games

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I didn't bother re watching the interview. All I wanted to do was disappear in my bed and never come back.

The games were tomorrow and I had no hope for ever winning.

With a score of 5 I had a huge target on my back.

In the end I decided to take one last shower in the capital. It was one of my favourite things to do other than ride the elevator.

With so many bottons she decided she wanted to smell like mint this time.

By the time she came out antithesis pair of pjs lay out side the bathroom door.

She learned that the clothes didn't do this by themselves but are delivered by avox.

She learned about them just yesterday when she tried to ask what kind of food she was eating.

She was scolded by Tiffy and given a lecture on avox.

Prisoners of the capital who had their tongues roped out.

I shuddered at the thought and slipped into my pj's.

I rolled into bed exhausted from the long day. I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach but failed and ended up rolling around for hours until I finally fell asleep.

"Up you get" Tiffy woke me up.

I felt like I haven't slept at all.

"It's game day" she smiled.

A huge pit swallowed me whole. I was going to die. I felt my legs burn ice cold. Not wanting to move. I forced my self to exit the door and make my way to Chardor who was waiting for me.

"Snows orders, no food"

I moaned of the thought of having just one last muffin before entering the arena and even the elevator ride didn't cheer me up.


Ruse was waiting for me.

I was now inside of a all white room with a large clear tube.

"Here" he pulled out a seashell bracelet and clasped it around my hand.

I examined it. It was pure gold. I also jumped in glee. I must cost thousands now.

"Listen, remember your identity" I nodded
"Your lil Pamen now and don't forget because that's how your going to get sponsors"

The tube doors slid open.

"Good luck out there" he squeezed my hands than lead me to in the tube.

Be waved and left the room leaving me in a suffocating tube.

Seconds later it shot me up.

It's just a elevator I repeated to myself ina effusive calm down.

But it wasn't and I knew if and before long sun shone in my face.

I was in the arena. I looked around trying to calm down. I took a deep breath. I could see Dee 5 spots over.


A voice counted down and I tried to remember everything Chardor had told me.

Don't step off early was the only one I could think of which wasn't helpful in the long run.


A gong sounded and everyone ran.

Left and right people were already being killed. I focused on running to a bag. Directly in front of me.

A canon went off in the distance making me jump.

And another.

I grasped onto the bag as the canon went off repeatedly.

I counted 6 already.

In a split second decision I decided to run into the tall grass. It was on the left of me.

Someone grunted behind me. I could tell they were close and on instinct I ducked. A knife flew right on top of my head. Just barely missing.

I zigzagged like a crocodile dodging another knife. This time I managed to pick it up. Sliding it into my pants.

I made it into the grass. I relaxed just barely.

Running forward I made it into a clearing. I noticed right away that there wouldn't be a lot of hidding places.

The careers with thrive here I thought.

I ran into a stream. Making a map of where it was in my mind.

I don't remember how long I ran but by the time I stopped I couldn't breath.

My adrenaline had ran out.

Spinning around I looked where I was for the first time.

I was standing under a tree whos leaves touched the floor. Through the leaves I could make out the dozens of flowers spreading everywhere.

Bees I thought.

I swung the backpack off my back.

A water bottle, dried fruit, tarp, bug spray and rope were inside.

Desperate for water I opened the water bottle only to find it empty.

I restrained from cursing remembering what Ruse said.

Don't forget your identity

Right I'm supposed to be cute. I pouted hoping a camera caught it and climbed the tree.

It would help me see what direction I was in.

I grasped my hands on the branches pulling up my sore and weak body.

By the time I was halfway up I felt my hand slipping.

"Come on" I told myself.

Grunting I pulled myself back up. I couldn't climb anymore so carefully I parted the leaves like curtain.

And what I saw made my heart plummet.

5 people marched in my direction.

The careers.

THE 64TH HUNGERGAMES- YOUNGEST VICTOR (hungergames fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now