Chapter 7- one down 23 to go

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Astra had no where to run.
She was currently half way up a tall tree.

Her only option was to climb up and pray they didn't spot her.

She swung her legs around the tree trunk for better grip, trying to make as little sound as she could.

"Darn" she whispered to herself.

Her heart was racing and she felt faint. Surely they would spot her.

She risked another look at the careers.

They were now meters away laughing about something she will never know.

The boy from district 2 seemed to have a lot of blood stained on his face.

Panic overtook her thoughts.

She tried remembering Toby. He was probably watching back home with mom.

She had to stay strong for him.

2 years ago  Toby's friend was reaped.

She remembered how his death affected him and his health.

I can't let Toby down. She thought over and over, calming herself down.

"Can't believe I've killed 2 in the first 5 minutes" a female voiced echoed below her.

"Psh they were from district 10 and 11 what do you expect"

"Let's stay here" another voice told the group.

Astra didn't dare to look down she knew they were siting directly below her.

"I think we should stay until a idiot lights a fire"

"That girl from 4 will definitely" someone joked "if she even knows how to" he added.

They all laughed. Unknowing she was listening.

Maybe if she was stronger or bigger she might have leaped down and stabbed them all with her knife but she was outnumbered 5 to 1.

She thought about what Toby would do.

Wait it out she thought.

And she did. It was sunset when they spoke again. She looked down sucking in a breath when she realized that they had set up camp just below her.

Crap she thought to herself.

"I see smoke" one giggled.

"We should split up" one suggested "someone could be watching us, ready to steal our food"

"Fine since it's your idea you stay" one said gingerly and I heard a grunt from below.

"Fine" he huffed.

She heard the sound of things being packed and a few minutes later everyone was gone except for one.

Whom she recognized as the boy from district 2. He had a sword strapped to his back.

This was her best chance to leave. It was now or never.

Astra went over every way she could possibly get away.

She concluded with only one.

Very carefully she grabbed a dried berry.

She one last look at the beautiful sunset before throwing it in front of the boy.

In a matter of seconds he unleashed his sword scanning the area it came from with no luck.

"Fuck" he cursed looking in all directions.

Suddenly he looked up. He saw me.

This was her chance, a slow smile grew on his face.

"Little Panem" he had time to mock before I jumped and landed on top of him.

His sword was stuck underneath him but I knew in a matter of seconds he would recover and attack me.

I lifted my knife, shaking and sent it right through his back.

He screamed in pain, thrashing.

I sent another blow to his back again and again until his screams stopped.

I stood up slowly. In shock from what I had just done.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

I only had short time before the careers came back she reminded herself collecting her thoughts.

She would feel guilty about this later but right now was a matter of life or death.

She grabbed everything she could fit into her bag. Food, knives, night goggles and other items she didn't have time to process.

And off she went. Running as fast as she could through the field. Regretting leaving the boys sword behind.

Soon the sun disappeared and the moon came out.

Once again she climbed a tree. Too exhausted to make it to the top.

She felt a dying urge for water.

Water she moaned at the thought.

Leaving against the trunk of the tree she fell asleep moments later having a horrible dream about the boy she murdered.

Please boost this story anyway you can. Thank you!!

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