Chapter 2 - A Dangerous Place

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For weeks, Sloane was on her own. She had to fend for herself. Hiding in the forest whenever she could. Going into human towns to try and steal things. Her onesie pajamas were incredibly dirty after a few days, so she ended up shoplifting a sweatshirt.

It engrossed her entire body—the sleeves nearly twice the size of her arms, but at least it kept her warm. Her hair matting as she hadn't brushed it since her pack was destroyed. Worse was the fact that it was starting to get cold.

She didn't know where she was, and she tried desperately to find a pack. But what does a little eight-year-old know? So, she wandered until one day she heard crying.

Sloane followed the sound of tears. The smell of another wolf hitting her senses. It brought her comfort, and she slowly inched her way closer. There was a young boy sitting by a creek bed. His shoulders shaking up and down as he cried.

Sloane stepped on a twig and his eyes snapped up at her. A snarl etching on his lips as his wet eyes fell on the little girl. He only looked to be a year or two older than Sloane. Ragged and sandy hair with bright green eyes.

"You're a wolf," His voice catches. Sloane says nothing. She doesn't know whether to be comforted or afraid. The boy looks back down at the creek. "They killed my parents."

Sloane's breath catches, "Who?"

"I don't know." The boy shakes his head, "They had fire."

Sloane keeps her distance, afraid. "They killed my parents too."

The boy looks at her. He stands up slowly, walking tentatively towards Sloane. The urge to run away hinting at her but she hasn't run into a wolf at all. She hasn't even picked up on a scent. This is the first of her kind that she's seen in weeks.

Her eyes trail behind the boy, there's a large rock formation that's providing a smidge of sanctuary just on the other side of the creek. A small roof and when Sloane inhales deeply, she can smell embers from a fire he had previously.

"Do you want to try and find a pack together?" The boy hugs himself. He has short sleeves on, and it looks like he's malnourished.

Sloane's eyes start to well with tears. "Where do we go?"

The boy extends his hand, "Somewhere safe."

Sloane places her long sleeve in his hand, and he smiles gently. "My name is Joshua, by the way."

She runs her other hand over her muddied face. "Sloane. My name is Sloane Amaris."


Joshua and Sloane felt safer together. Less lonely for sure. They didn't have instincts and their wolves weren't developed at all. But at night when the temperature would drop, they would both fit into Sloane's sweatshirt. Their body heat warming them. They moved on as soon as the cold became too much to handle.

Walking through the forest together, trying to pretend like nothing had happened and that this was some sort of adventure. They snuck into human towns—running little heists to steal food. They were so small—so short and dainty. Most people didn't even look at them twice or if they did it was to ask where their parents were. But while one distracted, the other stole.

One day, they found themselves in a strange town. They had been hopping from one place to the other—anywhere that was at the edge of a forest. Joshua kept his eyes peeled but there was an eeriness in the air that didn't quite sit well with them. It was something different.

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