Chapter 5 - Summer Break

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Allison's POV
The summer goes by way quicker than I hoped it would.

Cole, Jack, Trevor, and I are all going to college in the next week or so. I'm leaving first since my college is so far away. Cole and Trevor are over at my house, saying their good byes.

"Have fun at LSU, Allie. Hope you have warm weather," Trevor says, giving me a hug. I smile.

"Thanks Trev,"

Cole comes up to me next and gives me a big hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Allie." He mutters. I smile.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Cole. FaceTime me every chance you have, okay?" I say. Cole nods.

"Of course. Talk to you soon,"

Cole gives me a kiss on the cheek. The kiss lingers for a little while and I realize something. I've fallen in love with Cole Caufield.


My first year of college was pretty slow until the softball season started. Once softball season had kicked off, the weeks went by quickly.

After all of us went off to college, Cole's parents moved back to Wisconsin and Trevor's parents moved back to New York. My parents stayed in Michigan because they had no desire to move, especially since Luke is still in high school.

With all of us scattered in different states, Jack and I would go to the other's houses for a week at a time. We would all take turns and sometimes Cole and Trevor would stay at our house.

I loved going to New York to see Trevor because I would also get to see Jess and Maggie. I think Jack thought the same thing too.

When I was staying at Cole's during the summer, I wanted so badly to express my feelings to him, but I knew that I couldn't.

One week when I was staying at Cole's house, I was waiting for Cole in his bedroom because he was taking a shower.

I was looking down at my phone when I heard someone walk in. I look up to find Cole rummaging through his drawers in only a bath towel that was wrapped around his waist.

His brown hair and bare chest were soaking wet and I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. Well, I couldn't tear them away until he looked over at me. Cole was seemingly unfazed by me being in his room which I thought was odd.

If I had been at home and I accidentally walked in on one of my brothers in a bath towel, they probably would have started screaming for me to close my eyes and get out of their room.

I guess Cole figures that I don't really care. Plus, Cole doesn't have any sisters. He only has an older brother so it doesn't bother him to walk around the house in just a towel.

Little does Cole know that it drives me crazy to see him like that.

As Cole leaves the room and disappears from my view, I hear someone smack his bare skin.

"Ow! What the heck, mom, that was my head!" Cole shouts.

"That'll teach you not walk into your room practically naked when there's a girl in there," Mrs. Caufield snaps.

"What? I didn't know Allie was in my room," Cole says. I almost burst out laughing when I hear Mrs. Caufield smack Cole again. "Ow mom. Stop,"

"Well, don't play dumb with me, Cole Caufield. I know for a fact that you knew that Allie was in your room. She was in there before you even got in the shower," Mrs. Caufield explains. Cole sighs.

"Okay. I'm sorry, mom."

"Good. Now get back into the bathroom. Next time, just ask me to grab your pants for you," Mrs. Caufield adds before ushering her son back into the bathroom.

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