Chapter 8 - Best Friend Date

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Allison's POV
It may be my first time here, but I've already fallen in love with Montreal. It's such a beautiful city with so many things to see and do.

Cole takes me to the Ecomuseum zoo. The zoo showcases all of the different wildlife that resides in Quebec. I love animals, especially dogs, and Cole knows it.

Jack and I's apartment complex is pet friendly and I've been trying to convince him to let me get a dog. I think I've almost got him convinced by now.

Anyways, after we go to the zoo, Cole takes me to the Montreal Botanical Gardens. The Gardens are so pretty and I wish that they had something like this back in Newark.

I mean, sure, we have the Greenwood Gardens, but they're not as pretty as Montreal's Botanical Gardens.

After the gardens, we got lunch and then walked on the streets of Montreal.

While walking with Cole, I notice a for rent sign on the window of a nice building that would be perfect for my boutique.

I found a place back home in Newark that I liked, but this place seems better than that place. I read the phone number off the sign and punch it into my contacts to save for later.

Cole looks in the window to survey the room himself. Then he looks over at me.

"How come you're so interested in this building?"

"It looks like a great spot for my boutique to start in," I say. Cole frowns.

"I thought you found a place in Newark? I mean, isn't this too far away from your family?" He asks.

"Well, sure it's far away from home, but Montreal's such a beautiful city and I would love to live here. I'm just keeping my options open in case the property in New Jersey falls through," I explain. Cole shrugs.

"I guess that makes sense. We should probably get going. The game's in a few hours and I need to get ready,"

"Okay. I had a lot of fun with you today, Cole. Thanks for showing me around Montreal," I say. Cole nods.

"Of course,"

Cole's POV
"She really said that to you?" Trevor and Jack say at the same time.

I'm Skyping Trevor on my computer while Jack is in the room with me. After the game, Jack told his sister that he was gonna go over to my house for a little bro hangout. She said she didn't care since she was super tired anyways.

"Yeah. She told me that she wouldn't mind moving here even though it's far away from her family," I say. Trevor smiles.

"Dude, you have to date Allie. Then she'll definitely move up to Montreal," Trevor says. Jack frowns.

"Is that why Jess isn't in Anaheim with you right now? Because you're not dating her?" He asks. Trevor shrugs.

"Probably. Man, I miss that girl so much. I haven't talked to her in months. You think she misses me?"

"I'm sure she does. Don't worry about it, Trev." Jack says. Trevor smiles.

"Thanks Jack. Do you miss Maggie?" Trevor asks. Jack nods.

"Yeah. I miss her and I haven't talked to her in a while. She's kind of avoiding me right now because she doesn't want to distract me from my hockey career," he explains, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, man, Maggie'll come around. She's just had some bad relationships in the past and she's afraid to let someone in," Trevor says. I nod.

"Yeah. You're the right guy for her, Jack. You just have to find your way into her heart," I say, placing my hand over my heart. Trevor snorts and starts laughing.

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