Chapter 12 - Sibling Love

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Cole's POV
Allie and I go to Trevor and Jack's game the next day. With me being a player in the NHL myself, it's best if no one sees me, so Allie and I are up in the VIP box.

During the game, I glimpse Ethan down near the glass with the girl he cheated on Allie with. Just seeing that jerk makes my blood boil.

I can't believe he had the guts to show his face at a Devils game only a day after cheating on his girlfriend.

Allie doesn't seem to notice that Ethan's here and I don't intend on her finding out. If Allie sees him, she might start crying and I can't stand watching her cry. It breaks my heart to see her that way.

After the game, Allie and I go back to the locker rooms to wait for Jack and Trevor.

Halfway through the hallway, we see Ethan and that Bethany girl again. This time, keeping Allie from seeing him is impossible.

"Hi Allison," Ethan says.

"Don't talk to her," I snap angrily. Ethan chuckles.

"What are you gonna do? You don't fight anyone. You're just a scrawny player who only got to the top because of your parents,"

"That's not true," Allie adds in.

"Yes it is. Now why don't you get going and take your little boyfriend with you," Ethan says with a smirk.

I walk forward to punch Ethan in the face, but Allie grabs my arm.

"Cole, stop. Do you know how much trouble you'll be in if you do that? Ethan's a cop," Allie whispers. I sigh.

"You're right. I shouldn't hurt him,"

Just then, Jack and Trevor walk out of the locker rooms and they are fuming when they see Ethan in the hallway.

"Ethan Trent, I can't believe you'd show your face around here." Trevor spits out.

"Careful, Zegras, I can get you arrested if you assault a police officer." Ethan says. Trevor rolls his eyes.

"I wasn't planning on fighting you. I'd probably beat you anyways,"

"Yeah right, Zegras. You're all bark and no bite. You can talk trash all day long, but when it comes to fighting, you're too scared to throw the first punch," Ethan sneers.

Trevor's fists ball up and he looks about ready to hit him. Jack steps in front of Trevor to diffuse the tension slightly.

"Look, why don't you just get lost and stay away from my sister or I'll call the real cops to get rid of you." He snaps. Ethan scoffs and leans forward to get in Jack's face.

"I am a real cop, Hughes."

"Not to me, you are. You're not brave enough to be one," Jack snaps. That makes Ethan really mad and I'm waiting for him to punch my twin brother in the face, but he doesn't.

"Whatever. You'll never see me at another Devils game ever again. Let's go Bethany," Ethan says.

Ethan grabs Bethany's hand and walks away. Allie bursts into tears as soon as they disappear down the hall.

Trevor punches the wall out of frustration and comes away with his knuckles all red and bloody.

I grab Allie's hand and pull her towards me to give her a hug.

"It's okay, Allie. It's okay," I whisper.

"You know you could break your hand doing that," Jack mutters, referring to Trevor punching the wall.

"I don't care. Man, if that jerk wasn't a cop, he'd be on the ground by now." Trevor says, massaging his knuckles.

"And you would be suspended from the NHL for a long time," Jack comments. Trevor rolls his eyes.

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