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Logan waited until Alfie had laid himself down, his head propped up using a cushion before he started pulling his pants down in anticipation of changing his nappy. He looked sympathetically down at Alfie once he saw how soggy the nappy was, then untaped each side so he was able to quickly wipe him clean. Logan was glad that Alfie didn't put up much resistance to him changing his nappy anymore; he loved that Alfie felt safe enough to relax when he was in such a vulnerable situation.

"All done" Logan smiled, holding his hands out for Alfie to help him stand back up.

Alfie mirrored Logan's smile, tugging his pants back on once he was standing up.

"So, we're going to go in Mr Dylan's car to your house, Logan, to pick up the things you'll need for the night, then we will head over to Alfie's house to do the same. Once you've both got your things backed up, we'll drive up to my house. Is that okay?" Mr Bentley asked both boys.

Alfie and Logan both nodded, Logan looking unfazed, while Alfie had an expression of apprehension on his face.

"You'll be okay" Logan registered Alfie's nervousness.

"Please try and remember that it's our job to keep you safe" Mr Dylan tried to help Alfie understand that there was no possibility that anybody was going to hurt him that evening.

Alfie nodded, trying to show some sense of compliance to what Mr Dylan had just said.

Moments later Alfie found himself being hand led to Mr Dylan's car by Logan. He didn't resist, but inside he had a strong urge to pull away from Logan in defiance against not seeing his Mum. He knew, however, that this would only make him appear to be ungrateful for the support his teachers were giving him, so he decided to ignore his ideals.

It didn't take long for the car to be pulling up outside of Logan's house.

Alfie, Logan and both of the teachers headed towards the front door. Before Logan started packing, Mr Bentley needed to get the permission slip signed by his Mum to enable Logan to stay at all.

"Hello Mrs Brooks ..." Mr Bentley started before explaining the situation to Logan's Mum, ensuring to go into each and every detail of the overnight stay and it's purpose.

"Alfie is free to stay here if it helps" Mrs Brooks suggested.

Alfie looked at Logan with wide eyes, clearly horrified by the suggestion. Alfie knew Logan's Dad would inevitably come home at some point in the evening, and the thought of being around an unfamiliar man at the moment was nothing short of panic-inducing.

"No, Mum, the plan is to stay at Mr Bentley's" Logan said what he knew Alfie was thinking but was too afraid to say himself.

"But, if it makes things easier I'm sure Mr Bentley would be able to change those plans" Mrs Brooks persisted, not reading into the nuances of what Logan was trying to say.

"It's lovely of you to offer, Mrs Brooks, but because this is something we have already organised with both Alfie's Mum and the school, I think it's important to stick to our original plan" Mr Bentley interjected before Logan had the opportunity to speak harshly to his Mum.

"Of course. That's understandable" Mrs Brooks said, holding up her pen to signify that she was going to sign the permission slip.

"Thanks, Mum" Logan genuinely smiled, hugging his Mum briefly from the side.

Logan then quickly ran upstairs, thrust some things into a backpack, and hopped back down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Did you remember your toothbrush?" Mrs Brooks asked with a motherly tone.

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