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"Buddy, like Mr Preston said, he'll be very quick and you'll be back to your work in no time at all" Mr Bentley said, noticing how volatile the situation was becoming.

"But Logan always looks after me" Alfie was close to crying now.

Mr Preston understood completely how Alfie was feeling, but he didn't like the idea of constantly having to take Logan away from his learning so he could come and look after Alfie.

"Now I'm here to look after you too" Mr Preston said.

"I don't want you to" Alfie sniffed, his head still resting on the desk.

It was obvious that they weren't going to come to any sort of conclusion with Alfie being so stubborn.

"Okay. If you desperately want Logan to come and help you get changed, you'll have to wait until the end of the day when he's done with all of his classes" Mr Bentley compromised.

Alfie felt yuck in his wet pull-up, but there was no way he was going to cave and allow Mr Preston to help him. So, he agreed that he would wait until the end of the day, even though he felt so disgusting.

"And you need to make sure that you tell Mr Preston when you need to go for another wee, because you know that your pull-up won't be able to hold another accident" Mr Bentley explained.

Alfie nodded, repulsed by the thought of Mr Preston and Mr Bentley knowing he was sitting in his own wee voluntarily.

"Do you want to try for a wee before I go?" Mr Bentley asked.

"No" Alfie replied bluntly. He'd only just had his accident, so he felt like there was no way he'd need to go for a wee again already.

Mr Bentley huffed slightly, before heading out of the classroom, leaving Mr Preston to pick up the rest of the pieces from the incident.

"How are you getting on with those history questions?" Mr Preston asked.

He knew Alfie probably wasn't in the best frame of mind to be doing school work, but he also knew that he had to stay firm with Alfie in order for him to understand that it wasn't just Logan who could support him.

Alfie handed Mr Preston his book which he had written his answers in, and let him take a look at them.

"I knew you were a smart kid" Mr Preston smiled, giving Alfie his boon back which was now littered with green ticks.

Alfie weakly smiled back, unwilling to forget what had just happened.

Alfie then worked on a few more questions before the school bell rang. This meant that Alfie would be moving on from history to do some work on physics.

"Can I go and see Logan now?" Alfie asked hopefully.

"Not yet. Remember Mr Bentley told you you were going to have to wait until the end of the day" Mr Preston declined Alfie's request.

"Now, before we start our physics work, I want you to go to the bathroom please" Mr Preston didn't give Alfie a chance to argue back before he spoke again.

Cautiously, Alfie stood up. As he did he felt his pull-up sag between his legs and he didn't like that feeling at all. It felt heavy and cold, and all Alfie wanted was for it to be off.

He walked over to the bathroom and went inside, pulling his pants and the soaked pull-up down before sitting on the toilet.

Just as before he tried helplessly to get himself to have a wee, but nothing he did let that happen. Again, he came out of the bathroom unsuccessfully, his head down and his demeanour deflated.

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