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When Alfie's mum had taken him home he went to go upstairs to his room straight away. He had had a very hard day, so all he wanted want to get snuggled up in his bed and go to sleep, so he could forget all about it.

"Sweetheart, does your nappy need to be changed?" Alfie's mum asked softly before Alfie could make his getaway.

Alfie knew his nappy was wet, but he hadn't had another accident in it yet. It wasn't full, but it was definitely starting to feel uncomfortable.

Embarrassed, Alfie nodded. He didn't want to have to have his nappy changed all of the time, but there wasn't really another option at the moment.

"Come on then, I'll get you into a dry nappy and you can head upstairs to bed" Alfie's mum smiled, holding out her hand.

Alfie grabbed onto his mums hand and let her lead him to the living room where he lay down on the floor, ready to be changed.

Alfie's mum then untapped the nappy and began wiping him down. The cold wipe made Alfie flinch and without warning he started having a wee all over his mum. Quickly, she pulled the front of the nappy back up to stop the wee from hitting her anymore. She held it there for a while until Alfie had finished having a wee.

"I'm sorry, mum" Alfie said sadly.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. It happens" Alfie's mum was unfazed by the accident.

She then pulled the nappy out from under Alfie, replacing it with a dry one. Then she tapped it up, making sure it fit snuggly around his waist and legs.

"All done" Alfie's mum smiled, patting Alfie on the bottom to let him know it was okay for him to get up.

Alfie then waddled upstairs to his bedroom, pulled some pyjama pants over his nappy and dove under the covers of his bed.

Alfie was exhausted, so it wasn't long before he was fast asleep.

As he slept he began having an awful dream where Logan abandoned him, leaving him on his own again and with absolutely nobody to look after him. I'm his dream he wasn't wearing a nappy, so when he had an accident the whole school saw. Everybody was laughing at him, including Logan.

Alfie woke up at 4:30, covered in sweat, his heart beating rapidly.

The dream was so vivid that Alfie had actually convinced himself that Logan was going to leave him, even though he had promised he never would.

Alfie picked up his phone and called Logan, not caring that it was the middle of the night.

"Hello?" Logan's gruff voice answered the phone after several rings.

"You aren't angry at me, are you?" Alfie asked without even a hello back.

"Why would I be angry at you?" Logan was confused.

"I had a bad dream" Alfie admitted, his voice sad.

"Oh buddy, it's only a dream. Of course I'm not angry at you" Logan tried to comfort Alfie over the phone.

"I peed my pants and you laughed at me" Alfie told Logan about his dream.

"Well you know I would never do that" Logan replied.

"It just made me feel sad" Alfie said.

"You try and get back to sleep. I'll pick you up for school in the morning and make sure to give you the biggest cuddle to make you feel better. Okay?" Logan suggested.

"Okay..." Alfie trailed okay.

"It's okay to say it" Logan encouraged.

"Okay, daddy" Alfie cringed as he spoke.

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