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Alfie's mum handed Alfie some dry sweatpants from her backpack, which Alfie gratefully took, pulling them on quickly to hide the nappy. He then looked sadly at her and Mr Preston, horrified that this was happening.

"I don't like it" Alfie sighed.

"I know you don't. But, I don't know what else to do with you Alfie" Alfie's mum wasn't impressed.

The three then came out of the bathroom and back into the classroom. Stood at the door was Logan, looking around in search of Alfie, having finished his afternoon classes slightly early.

Immediately Logan could tell something was wrong with Alfie, running over to him.

"What's happened?" Logan asked.

Alfie shrugged, he didn't want to say out loud that his mum had actually just put him into a nappy.

Logan then looked to Mr Preston and Alfie's mum for an answer.

"Alfie's had a few accidents this afternoon" Mr Preston stated, not going into anymore detail. He knew it wasn't his place to reveal that Alfie now had a nappy on, so he stayed quiet other than that.

"And? Alfie always has accidents" Logan said, confused as to why his mum had been called in.

"And Alfie wouldn't let Mr Preston change his pull-up, so he's had to be put into a nappy" Alfie's mum didn't hold back.

"I don't blame him" Logan scowled at Mr Preston.

"What do you mean?" Alfie's mum questioned.

"How would you like a complete stranger to see you naked?" Logan asked Alfie's mum.

"If I was so against somebody seeing me naked then I would make an extra effort to make it to the bathroom" Alfie's mum answered.

"But you know it isn't Alfie's fault that he sometimes can't make it. It's not fair that you're putting all this pressure on him" Logan began to raise his voice, irritated by Alfie's mum ignorance about the situation.

"I think that's enough, Logan" Mr Preston stepped in.

"You've only just met him and you expect him to feel comfortable enough for you to change him!" Logan shouted, ignoring what Mr Preston had just said.

"That is one of my responsibilities" Mr Preston said calmly, not rising to Logan's temper.

"I don't care. He needs to feel safe with you first before you are allowed to see him when he's so vulnerable. Like I said, I don't blame him for refusing to let you help" Logan continued to shout.

"If you don't calm down I will have to take you to the isolation room" Mr Preston warned.

"Somebody needs to stand up for Alfie" Logan didn't back down.

"We're all on Alfie's side and we just want to help. It isn't about standing up for him, it's about giving him the support he needs" Mr Preston tried to explain.

"What he needs is to feel safe in your class and he doesn't" Logan boldly said.

Admittedly Mr Preston was hurt by the comment, but he tried not to make that too obvious.

"They wouldn't let me get you" Alfie spoke quietly.

"Why not?" Logan directed the question at Mr Preston.

"Because you're at school to learn too Logan. I can't keep getting you out of your class to help whenever Alfie has an accident" Me Preston said.

"And Alfie should be going to the bathroom on his own before he's even had an accident" Alfie's mum added.

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