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"Do you want to come to lunch?" Logan asked, holding his hand out to help Alfie up.

Alfie took his hand gratefully and stood himself up.

Both Logan and Alfie walked to lunch together. Rather than sitting next to the rest of the football team, Logan opted for sitting on an empty table to the back of the lunch hall.

Logan felt compelled to look out for Alfie. There was something so innocent about him that made him feel protective.

"You don't have to sit with me" Alfie said, looking over at all of Logan's actual friends.

"I know, but I want to" Logan replied.

Alfie couldn't help but smile as he ate his sandwich. Although he felt disgusting for having wet himself again, he felt safe with Logan, like he would genuinely look after him.

"Can I ask you something?" Logan said.

Alfie nodded.

"Are you scared to go to the bathroom by yourself?" Logan asked.

"I guess" Alfie answered, not enjoying where this conversation was going.

"So scared that you would rather pee your pants than go?" Logan continued.

Alfie shrugged. That wasn't really the reason but he didn't feel like explaining that to Logan yet.

"We can't be having that, can we?" Logan spoke with a weirdly parental tone in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Alfie asked, confused.

Logan quickly realised the way he was talking and stopped. It was weird that he wanted to look after Alfie and help him stop having accidents.

"I just mean that you should probably stop doing that" Logan said harshly, contradicting the way he had just spoken.

"I'm trying" Alfie sighed, completely embarrassed.

"Nobody will want to hang around with you if they find out you pee yourself all the time" Logan said coldly before standing up.

Logan needed to get the idea of taking care of Alfie out of his head, so he reverted to his usual nastiness as to not make his genuine wishes obvious.

"I know" Alfie sniffed.

Logan felt guilty for the way he had spoken to Alfie, but he had a reputation to uphold. He wouldn't stay the most popular boy in school for long if people knew he was helping the nerdy boy who keeps having accidents.

"Go to the bathroom before each lesson and it won't happen again" Logan instructed.

Alfie understood what Logan was trying to say, but he had no idea about the complexities behind his medical condition. Alfie didn't always know when he needed a wee and he couldn't always have a wee whenever he wanted to. That made it difficult to avoid wetting himself. If it was just as easy as going to the bathroom more often, Alfie wouldn't be in the situation that he was.

"Come on" Logan ordered Alfie to stand up so that they could go to homeroom together.

Alfie listened to Logan and stood up, obediently following behind him as he walked off.

"Are you alright?" Mr Tyler asked warmly as Alfie walked into the classroom.

The puddle off wee had been cleaned up and the chair was now dry.

"Yes, thank you" Alfie replied.

Truthfully he wasn't alright, but the thought of telling Mr Tyler that was far too scary.

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