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*TW - mentions of abuse and trauma*

"Alfie, buddy. How do you know that police officer?" Mr Bentley questioned, keen to get to the bottom of what had happened before.

Alfie looked over to the patrol car. The police officer was tactically facing away from him, but even looking at the back of his head was enough to upset Alfie even more.

"He's the one that picked me up from school the day that my dad died" Alfie confided.

"Where did he take you?" Mr Bentley asked.

"While my mum was still at the hospital she had asked him to take me home" Alfie answered.

"And he did?" Mr Bentley asked.

"Uh-hu" Alfie nodded. Thinking about what had happened was painful.

"Do you think you can be really brave and tell us what happened that is so difficult for you to say?" The police officer asked.

Alfie gulped, but knew it was important to answer the question as honestly as he could.

"When we got back to my house he told me about my dad. I knew it was coming but it still hurt to hear he had actually gone. That's when I, Umm, I accidentally peed my pants and he got really mad at me. He grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me upstairs to my bedroom. He told me I was bad and he hit me for what I had done. Lots and lots of times. Then he pulled my pants off, telling me I was disgusting for having an accident. Then he did things I really didn't like" Alfie cried as he spoke. The memory was unbearable to relive.

Mr Bentley listened closely, holding onto Alfie as he spoke to give him even the smallest bit of comfort.

"I'm so sorry that he did that to you, buddy" Mr Bentley held Alfie tightly.

"What I'm going to do is radio for another patrol car to come down here. They'll take officer Weston away and you can come with me and your teacher.Does that sound okay?" The kind officer suggested.

Alfie nodded, holding his face next to Mr Bentley's chest, trying to imagine he was anywhere but here.

"We'll look after you, buddy" Mr Bentley continued to hold Alfie as tightly as he could. He couldn't imagine how scared he was, so he was doing everything he could to make him feel safe.

"I just don't want him to do it again" Alfie accepted the cuddle gratefully.

"I won't let him" Mr Bentley consoled.

As Mr Bentley held Alfie he could feel his soaking wet nappy under his pants. He knew he should change him, but he didn't think Alfie was in the right frame of mind at the moment. He decided that once they had gotten back to school he would change him then.

Mr Bentley hadn't realised that because of the allegation Alfie was going to have to go to the police station to make a formal statement.

They waited at the cemetery for 20 minutes before the other police car arrived to take officer Weston away. Alfie watched as he was put into handcuffs and helped into the back of the car. He only felt relief once the car started to drive away.

"Come on, let's get you down to the station" the officer that was left said softly.

"The station?" Mr Bentley questioned.

"Because of what Alfie has said we are going to need to conduct a formal interview if you want something to be done about officer Weston" the police officer explained.

"I'm going to need to call his mum" Mr Bentley said, pulling his phone out.

"No. Please don't" Alfie began to panic.

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