Med again

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I got Kiara showered and ready for bed and got ready for bed myself. I put Kiara in her bed even though I knew she would just go into Thomas' room. I fell asleep until I was woken by someone shaking me.

Kiara: Uncle kelly. Uncle kelly. Wake up
I slowly opened my eyes
Kelly: Kiara?
Kiara: Tommy hurt
I jumped out of my bed and ran towards his room. He was on the floor seizing. His eyes were rolled back. His arms and legs were jerking. His head was smacking off the floor. I set a timer
Kelly: hey munchkin can you chuck over that pillow?
She threw me the pillow and I placed it under his head
Kelly: hey why don't you go see Shay.
Kiara: but Tommy. I stay with Tommy.
Kelly: it's okay. I'll stay with him. How about you do a list of what you want for your birthday with Shay okay?
Kiara: okay
she ran out. I looked at the timer and we were already at 4 minutes taking into account the minute before.
Kelly: Shay!
Shay came running in
Shay: yeah?
Kelly: get his rescue medication
Shay went and got it and I sprayed it in his nose but it didn't help
Kelly: Shit
Shay: I'll call an ambo
Shay called and they said they'd be a few minutes.
Kelly: this is his forth one today.
Shay: Connor will do whatever he can
Kelly: I guess
I was just zoned out feeling helpless. I was brought out my thoughts by a knock at the door
Kiara: i get it
Kiara opened the door and the medics followed her to where we were
Medic 1: how long has he been seizing for?
Kelly: around 7 minutes. I gave his emergency medication but it hasn't worked
Medic 1: is this his first one today?
Kelly: No it's his fourth
Medic 2: what was his emergency medication?
Kelly: diazepam
Medic 1: okay so we'll give him another dose of it and go from there
The medic injected another dose and the convulsions began to slow to just twitches before stopping completely.
Medic 2: due to how long he was seizing we would like for him to get checked out at med
Kelly: okay
I turned to shay
Shay: I'll watch Kiara
Kelly: thank you
Kiara ran up to me
Kelly: I need you to be good okay. I need to take Thomas to see Connor and Will so your gonna stay with shay okay. Get some sleep munchkin and I'll see you soon
Kiara: okay
Medic 2: ready to go
I picked Thomas up and carried him out into the ambo and were made our way to med
Maggie: what we got?
Medic 1: Thomas Gibson. 11 yrs old. Epileptic. Has had 4 seizures today. The last one lasted around 7 minutes and the emergency medication didn't work. Was given another dose of diazepam. Has been unconscious since.
Maggie: Connor, Will treatment 4
I followed them into the room and laid Thomas into his bed. They attached him to the machines
Connor: has he been taking his medication?
Kelly: No. It's been quite hectic. His medication was at Zaras but there was nothing left. Obviously her and Michael had been using it. The pharmacy won't let me get any more because it was not long ago refilled. So Zara and Michael have fucked it up.
Will: we'll give you 3 weeks worth and it should last until the next refill.
Kelly: can you do the Ritalin as well?
Will: yeah sure. Just see April and she'll sort it out for you
Kelly: thanks
Connor: we're just gonna run a few tests to make sure he's okay
Kelly: okay
They did a blood test and a few other tests and left. I just watched a movie on my phone. Half way through the movie I heard movement. Thomas was slowly opening his eyes allowing them to adjust to the light. He looked really confused
Kelly: hey bud your okay.
I went and got Connor and Will
Connor: hey trouble
Thomas: c-c-Connor
Connor: how you feeling?
Thomas: hurts. Sleep
Connor: I know kiddo. You had a really bad seizure so your gonna stay here for now
Thomas: sleep
Connor: go ahead kiddo
He fell asleep
Will: there doesn't seem to be any complications. We're gonna keep him in tonight but he will be free to go first thing tomorrow
Kelly: thank you

The next morning
I woke up first and Connor and Will walked in.
Will: his results are good so he can go when he wakes up
Connor gave me the papers and I signed them.
Connor: do you need anything?
Kelly: nah I'm good
Will: we'll check in soon
A few hours later Thomas started to wake up.
Thomas: uncle kelly
Kelly: hey bud
Thomas: where am I?
Kelly: your at med kiddo. You had 4 seizures yesterday and the last one was a bad one
Thomas: oh that's why I feel so tired and achy
Kelly: yeah
Thomas: can we go home?
Kelly: yeah let me just get Connor or will
I went out and came back with Connor
Connor: hey trouble
Thomas: hi. Can I go home?
Connor: yeah. Just get ready and you can leave. Kelly don't forget to see April
Kelly: yeah sure
Connor: see ya trouble
Thomas: bye Connor
Connor left and Thomas got out of the bed. He stumbled slightly but I caught him.
Kelly: you okay?
Thomas: yeah think I got up to quick
Kelly: it's probably because you haven't eaten so we'll stop for breakfast
Thomas: okay
He went to get changed in the bathroom and I told him to keep the door slightly open. After a few minutes he walked out
Thomas: let's go
It was nice to see him get some of his energy back. He ran out the room.
Kelly: Thomas

Thomas pov
I ran out the room and bumped into Maggie
Maggie: where's the fire?
Thomas: huh?
Maggie: nothing
Thomas: I'm going home
Maggie: that's good
Kelly: Thomas!
Thomas: I gotta go bye Maggie
Maggie: see ya kiddo
I went to kelly and he was talking to April.
Thomas: can we go now?
Kelly: in a second
I got bored and went to look for Connor and Will. I went to the break room and they were there
Connor: hey trouble
Thomas: hi
Connor: I thought you were going home?
Thomas: uncle kelly is talking to April so i got bored and came here
We just talked about random things when I heard uncle kelly
Kelly: Thomas
He walked into the break room
Kelly: there you are. What have I said about wandering off
Thomas: I was bored
Kelly: that's no excuse. Come on
I ran up and gave Connor a hug
Thomas: bye Connor
Connor: bye trouble
We went to the car, got breakfast and went home.

Kelly: guess who's back
Kiara: Tommy
I picked her up and she gave me a kiss on my cheek
Kiara: I missed you
Thomas: I missed you too Kee
Kiara: Jay was here
Thomas: was he?
Kiara: yeah he said that he'll ring you later
Kelly: right I'm gonna go to the store to get your clothes. do you wanna come?
Thomas: nah I'm gonna sleep for a bit
Kelly: okay
Kiara: i come?
Kelly: go get me your shoes and coat
Thomas: bye
Kelly: see us ya bud
I went to my room and fell asleep.

Kelly pov
Me and kee went shopping and I got Thomas's stuff from yesterday and got kee some clothes and shoes. We were out for hours. By the time we got back it was time for dinner so we picked some up on the way. We arrived home. I took Thomas' stuff to his room and put Kiaras in her room.
I went downstairs and played up the dinner.
Kelly: Kiara dinner
I put her plate on the coffee table and put her cushion on the floor.
Kiara: thank you
I went to Thomas's room to wake him up.
Kelly: hey bud. Wake up.
He slowly woke up
Thomas: hmm
Kelly: dinner
Thomas: not hungry
Kelly: I know but you have to eat something. Even if it's just a little bit.
Thomas: okay
We went downstairs and started eating. Thomas only ended up eating half of it.
Kelly: save it for later you might get hungry
Thomas: okay
He put it in the microwave and went upstairs.
Shay: yesterday has drained him
Kelly: yep hopefully he's better tomorrow.
We all decided to call it a night and went to bed

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now