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Thomas pov
Kelly: hey you two come here
We walked into the office. I could tell it was bad news because of their faces. I look at kelly and shake my head
Thomas: nuh uh you promised
Kelly: i shouldn't have made a promise that I had no control over I'm sorry
Thomas: No your fucking with me. Jokes over it's not funny
Kelly: I'm sorry kiddo
Thomas: I-I don't wanna go
Kiara: stay with you
Kelly: I'm sorry. It's only for a little while then you'll be back
I was getting overwhelmed so I ran off. I ran home and just laid in my treehouse. After about an hour I got bored so started walking around the neighbourhood eventually going to the firehouse
Matt: hey kid
I didn't say anything. Matt sat down next to me
Thomas: I-I don't want to go
Matt: I know
Thomas: i want to stay here
Matt: I'm sorry kiddo.
I walked off to the kitchen and sat at the counter zoned out. I didn't even hear anyone walk in
Kelly: TJ
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes
Thomas: I don't want to go.
Kelly: I know
Thomas: I promise I'll be good. No more trouble. I'll listen to you. I'll help. Please. I wanna stay
Kelly: I know kiddo but there's nothing I can do
I break down and kelly comes over to hug me but I push him and start hitting him
Thomas: you liar. You promised. Now we have to go away
Kelly: calm down
Thomas: calm down? I hate you. I hate you so much. You only care about yourself.
Kelly: hey listen to me
Thomas: Fuck you! I fucking hate you!
I went to hit him again but he stops me and pulls me into his chest and I just broke down crying harder than before
Kelly: I've got you
Thomas: I'm sorry. Please don't let them take us
Kelly: I'm sorry. I want you to stay more than anything they just have to make sure that you guys will be safe with me
Thomas: but we are
Kelly: they just have to make sure that what happened at home doesn't happen again
Thomas: when do we have to go?
Kelly: now
Thomas: okay
I said bye to everyone and went back to the district where Vanessa was waiting for us. We said goodbye to everyone until it was Jay and Hank left. I ran up to Jay and gave him a hug
Thomas: bye Jay.
Jay: see ya trouble
Thomas: Jay I need you to look after uncle kelly. I'm gonna miss you.
Jay: imma miss you to kiddo
I then went to Hank
Hank: see ya kid
Thomas: bye Hank
Me and kee then ran to uncle kelly and gave him a massive hug
Kelly: I'll see you guys soon okay? TJ no trouble
Thomas: no promises
Kelly: bye guys
Both: bye
Vanessa: right let's go

We went to her car and started driving.
Thomas: are the people nice?
Vanessa: yep
We were driving when we stopped at a familiar house. Gabby and Matt walked outside
I opened the door and kee followed. we ran to them and gave them a hug.
Kiara: we stay here?
Matt: yep
I was so confused
Thomas: how?
Gabby: we have a valid foster license and we didn't want you to be put with a random family.
Thomas: does that mean we can still see uncle Kelly?
Gabby: yeah but you can't stay with him until they do the checks
Thomas: okay
We walked inside the house
Matt: you two will share a room
Thomas: that's fine we shared one at home anyways
Matt: what do you both fancy for dinner?
Kiara: pizza
Matt: pizza it is then
Gabby went to pick up the pizza while we got settled in.
Vanessa: I should get going. Any problems let me know. I'll see you soon
All: bye
Vanessa left

Kelly pov
Kelly: Shay what do I do?
Shay: you do whatever you need to for them kids.
Kelly: I think we should move house
Shay: sure
We went to view houses. We saw about 6 until we found the perfect one. It was 5 huge bedrooms each equipped with an ensuite and walk-in wardrobe. It had a basement and an office area. It had a massive garden. It was just amazing
Kelly: I think this is it
Shay: it's perfect
We bought the house.
We went home and i just sat on the sofa zoned out thinking about everything
Shay: you okay?
Kelly: hmm
Shay: are you okay?
Kelly: mhm
Shay: kelly talk to me
Kelly: how could they do that to them? Thomas didn't deserve this. I know he can be a handful but that's no way to treat him. And Zara we tried so hard to get her clean and she was. All them years for nothing. I don't know what to do
Shay: when they get here just show that you'll never hurt them and that they're safe with you.
I zoned out again
Shay: kelly
Kelly: huh
Shay: talk to me
Kelly: DCFS are gonna tell Jack.
Shay: oh
Kelly: what if Jack wants custody? It will fuck up everything. Thomas is finally improving in school. It's not much but it's a start. If he ends up having to move then it will just throw him off. Kiara wouldn't understand why Thomas has left. Nothing will be the same.
Shay: I'm sure if you talk to Jack he'll understand. Maybe come up with a compromise
Kelly: like?
Shay: if he stays here then Jack can still see him for the holidays and stuff. We can even fly Jack over here
Kelly: I guess
Shay: mention about his school. ADHD. Just say how much moving,  being out of routine and the change will do more harm than good.
Kelly: yeah I will
Shay: but talk to Thomas about it first. Just warn him about the possibilities but reassure him
Kelly: I guess we'll just have to see how it all plans out

The next day
Jack pov
We had just come back from a call when my phone started ringing. Unknown number
Jack: hello?
??: hi this it's Vanessa with the DCFS
Jack: DCFS is that not in Illinois?
Vanessa: yeah Chicago to be exact sir
Jack: why are you ringing me?
Vanessa: do you remember a Zara Severide?
Jack: yeah we dated when we were younger.
Vanessa: I'm just gonna say it straight up. You have a son mr Gibson. His name is Thomas
Jack: damn. I know you didn't just call me for that so what's up?
Vanessa: well currently Miss Severide is in prison for child abuse
Jack: huh? Child abuse?
Vanessa: I'm afraid so
Jack: is he okay?
Vanessa: he's fine. I rang you cause as the moment they've been placed with family friends as they have a foster license. Their uncle Kelly Severide wants guardianship and obviously you still have parental rights seeing as your his biological father.
Jack: okay?
Vanessa: so basically do I have your permission to allow Mr Severide guardianship of Thomas?
Jack: wow. Erm. Can I think about it?
Vanessa: sure. I hope to hear from you soon
The call ended
What the actual fuck. I walked to the kitchen.
Dean: hey you okay?
Vic: you look like you've seen a ghost
Jack: I erm I have a kid
Travis: what?!
Jack: mhm
Vic: what happened?
Jack: I had DCFS on the phone
Travis: isn't that Chicago?
Jack: mhm. Anyway there's been an incident and his mom has been put in prison so they asked for my permission to give guardianship to his uncle.
Dean: what did you say?
Jack: I said I'd think about it. I just need time to process everything. I don't know what to do
Travis: well what's his uncle like?
Jack: he's a good guy. Highly respected by Chicago fire department. He's a lieutenant at firehouse 51 in Chicago. He treated me like family.
Vic: just do what would be best for the kids
Jack: but I don't know the kid
Dean: your actually an idiot. Talk to his uncle and find out what the kids is like. If you know you would be able to be a father to him then you have your answer. Your decision had to benefit the child.
Jack: yeah your right. I'll ring him tomorrow. Right now I need a drink

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now