Back to school

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Today was school. My first day back. Yayyyy. Not. I'm not in until 10am and I finish at 12. Jay said he'd be here just before 9. I was putting my trainers on when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Jay.
Jay: hey trouble
Thomas: hi Jay
Jay: where's Kiara?
Thomas: at her grandparents
Jay: oh okay. right go get your meds
I went and got them my room.
Thomas: one. Two.
I took them with my drink
Jay: good lad. You ready?
Thomas: just need to get my hoodie
I went up and got my hoodie it was just a black nike one.
Jay: right come on
We went out to the car
Jay: Hank wants to speak to you by the way
Thomas: okay
Jay: how you been?
Thomas: good
Jay: I haven't seen your mom in a while
Thomas: oh she spent the night at Michael's they'll be back today
Jay: oh okay. School today
Thomas: mhm
Jay: right it's 9:30 now so once you speak to Hank we have to leave
Thomas: okay
We arrived at the district
Jay: right come on

Jay pov
We were walking to the front desk when Thomas just stopped walking.
I turned to face him and he was just staring.
Jay: hey it's okay. You'll be okay.
I guided him to the front desk.
Trudy: chuckles, trouble.
Jay: hey sarge
Trudy: what's up with trouble?
Jay: absence
Trudy: oh poor kid
He started blinking again
Trudy: hey trouble
Thomas: hi
Trudy: school?
Thomas: yeah but Hank wants to speak to me first
Trudy: I'll buzz you up
We made our way up to the bullpen
Adam: hey trouble
Thomas: hi
Jay: right go see Hank
He walked to Hanks office and knocked on the door

Hank pov
I heard a knock at the door. I looked up and it was Thomas
Hank: come in and shut the door
Thomas: hi Hank
Hank: hiya kid
Thomas: you wanted to speak to me?
Hank: yeah. Don't worry your not in trouble. How are you?
Thomas: I'm good
Hank: school today?
Thomas: yeah until 12.
Hank: right if you have a good day I'll treat you to tickets to the bulls game
Thomas: really?
Hank: mhm.
Thomas: okay deal
We shook on it.
Hank: you should probably head to school
Thomas: yeah see ya Hank
Hank: bye kid

Jay pov
Thomas came out of Hanks office
Jay: right let's go kiddo
We went to my car and began our journey to school.
Jay: so how was the chat with Hank?
Thomas: it was good he basically just told me to behave myself
Jay: mhm
We pulled up to the school
Jay: right let's go
I went to get out the car until I realised that Thomas hadn't moved
Jay: hey T
No answer.
After a few seconds he began blinking
Jay: let's go
Thomas: why are you getting out?
Jay: kelly wants me to talk to Mr Richards
Thomas: oh okay
We walked to the principals office.
Thomas: sir I'm here for my report
Mr Richards: oh yeah. Here
He handed over the report
Mr Richards: remember I want at least 3 ticks. Miss Jackson will speak to you at some point during the day
Thomas: okay. Bye Jay
Jay: bye. be good.
Thomas: mhm
Thomas left.
Mr Richards: how can I help?
Jay: oh erm I'm just here to update you on Thomas. He's been diagnosed with epilepsy.
Mr Richards: okay
Jay: would you be able to inform the staff?
Mr Richards: sure. Anything else?
Jay: he's been having a lot of absence seizures where he's just staring at nothing. I just don't want him to be accused of not paying attention when he was just actually having a seizure.
Mr Richards: how can we tell the difference?
Jay: when he's having an absence there will be no response. no reflex. nothing. It could happen in the middle of a conversation. Anytime really. It only lasts a few seconds. When he zones out it's easy to regain his  attention as he is still fully aware.
Mr Richards: okay I'll send an email out
Jay: thank you
I left and went back to the district.

Thomas pov
My first lesson was Science with mr Mead. I kinda like this lesson because it can be interesting sometimes. I handed sir my report. It was only me, Diego and a few other people but they were just on their phones not taking notice of what's going on
Mr Mead: Thomas your seat has changed.
He pointed to my seat and it was right in front of his desk.
Thomas: do I have to sit here?
Mr Mead: yeah
Thomas: nope I'm fine next to Diego
Mr Mead: your seat has changed so move
Thomas: no
Diego: sir can I move next to him?
Mr Mead: fine
I sat in my new seat and Diego sat next to me
Thomas: thanks
Diego: it's fine
I realised my chair had a band around the legs of it. They're actually taking the plan serious. Who would've thought
Everyone started walking in and sat down
Charlie: wow Thomas actually in early
Thomas: never again
We started laughing
Mr Mead: right class today we are doing physical science. The topic today is thermal energy. Who can tell me what the word thermal means?
Thomas: heat?
Mr Mead: exactly but hands up next time
Throughout the lesson I was bouncing my feet on the band. It actually helped me stay in my seat for most of the lesson. The lesson went well until we had to do our work.
Mr Mead: right complete the worksheet. If you need any help ask
I started the worksheet but I had completely forgot what we learned and my notes were not helping.
Thomas: hey diego you understand any of this?
Diego: nope
I stood up and started walking around
Mr Mead: sit back in your seat
Thomas: sorry
I went and sat down
Thomas: sir can you help us?
Mr Mead: sure. What's up?
Thomas: I don't understand
He explained it again but simpler. I got half way through the worksheet but seeing the amount I had left was a bit overwhelming. I was tapping my pen against the table frustrated.
Mr Mead walked over
Mr Mead: taking a break?
Thomas: mhm
Mr Mead: okay
I started doing more of the questions when the bell rang.
Mr Mead: right bring your sheets to the front and you may go. Thomas stay behind for a minute
Thomas: what I didn't do anything
Mr Mead: your not in trouble
Everyone left and Mr Mead began speaking
Mr Mead: I'm impressed with the amount of work you did. That's probably the most you've ever done. You did well today
He did my report and I left. I read my report
1) stay in class- don't walk out or get sent out
2) no swearing
3) no disrupting
4) listen to all instructions
5) Complete all work to best ability
Comment: refused to sit down after being asked to. Did get a little frustrated but remained in class. Asked for help instead of being disruptive. Completed most of the work. Overall good lesson

I went to my next lesson. English with Mrs Boden. This is probably the worst lesson in the world. I like the teacher it's just the lesson. I walked in and my seat was changed to the front again but at least Diego's seat was next to me
Thomas: here's my report
I gave her my report
Mrs Boden: thank you
I went and sat down. 10 minutes into the lesson Miss Jackson walked in.
Miss Jackson: Can I borrow Thomas please?
Mrs Boden: sure
Thomas: do I need my stuff?
Miss Jackson: yeah
I got my stuff and my report and walked out with Miss Jackson. We went into the inclusion base.
Miss Jackson: so how has your day been?
Thomas: good
Miss Jackson: report?
I handed it to her and she read it
Miss Jackson: now this is what I'm talking about
She gave me a high five
Miss Jackson: I'm very proud of you
Thomas: thank you
Miss Jackson: we're gonna work on understanding and dealing with emotions
Thomas: okay
Miss Jackson: Right so how do you feel right now?
Thomas: happy
Miss Jackson: okay good. Why?
Thomas: because I'm having a good day
Miss Jackson: okay so how about when you don't understand the work?
Thomas: erm I don't know
Miss Jackson: does it make you feel sad, frustrated, angry?
Thomas: erm frustrated I guess
Miss Jackson: okay can you tell me why?
Thomas: er because it makes me feel dumb
Miss Jackson: why does it make you fee dumb
Thomas: I-I don't know it just does
Miss Jackson: okay so what can you do to avoid getting frustrated?
Thomas: ask for help
Miss Jackson: good answer. When do you feel that you no longer have control of your emotions
Thomas: when there's more than one
Miss Jackson: why?
Thomas: because then I don't know how I'm feeling and don't know how to deal with it
Miss Jackson: okay good. Right that's it for today. I'll sign your report then go and see Mr Richards
Thomas: okay thanks miss
1) stay in class- don't walk out
2) no swearing
3) no disrupting
4) listen to all instructions
5) Complete all work to best ability
Comment: Intervention with Miss Jackson. Did really well

I took my report and went to Mr Richards office.
Mr Richards: come in
I walked in
Thomas: My report sir
He looked at it and looked kinda proud
Mr Richards: this is a really good start. Keep it up
He signed it and gave it back.
Mr Richards: bye Thomas
Thomas: bye sir

I walked to the car park and Hank was waiting for me
Thomas: I thought Jay was picking me up?
Hank: I told him I would cause he hasn't finished his paperwork
Thomas: oh okay
We walked to his car and got in.
Hank: so how was your day?
I held up my report
Hank: wow impressive kiddo. This has been your best one yet.
Thomas: I know
Hank: I guess you get them tickets then
Thomas: mhm
Hank: who you bringing with?
Thomas: Kee, Jay, Will, and you
Hank: sounds like a plan. Home?
Thomas: I guess
Hank: okay
Hank drove me home and I went inside.

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now