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Follow on from keeping the secret

Kelly pov
We had just come back from a call when Gabby came up to me.
Gabby: have you checked your phone?
Kelly: No why?
Gabby: you have to go to the school
Kelly: what did he do?
Gabby: they can't calm him down. From what Diego was telling me it's bad kelly
Kelly: ah shit. Tell Chief for me

I went to my car and drove to the school where Diego was waiting for me. I walked towards Diego.
Kelly: how bad?
Diego: worst it's been in a while. Coach is trying to calm him down but it's not working
We went to the locker room and Thomas was pacing up and down shaking with anger punching anything in his path.
Thomas: Fuck!
Coach: It's okay look Kelly's here
Coach gave me a nod and I moved closer to him
I stood behind him and pulled him into a tight hug and held his arms so he couldn't hit me.
Thomas: get off me
Kelly: calm down
Thomas: get the fuck off me
After a while he began to calm down. Coach gave him some ice to put on his knuckles.
Kelly: Hey bud
Thomas: I'm sorry
I looked at his coach
Kelly: what happened?
Coach: Well the boys were playing a match and this kid slide tackled Thomas even though he didn't have the ball. A few words were exchanged and the boy pushed and swung for Thomas. They exchanged punches. I pulled him back and guided him to the locker room. He then punched the lockers and walls so now his knuckles are busted. He weren't calming down anytime soon that's when Diego called you.
Kelly: damn lemme guess he'll be suspended
Coach: yep. The principal will want to speak to you.
Kelly: Can you take us down?
Coach: sure

We made our way to the principals office
Principal: I'm Mr Richards the Principal
Kelly: Kelly Severide. I'm his uncle
Mr Richards: i will be ringing Miss Severide to explain the situation and set up a meeting to discuss his future at this school. Your actions today were unacceptable. You are suspended for 2 weeks
Thomas: okay how long did Harry get?
Mr Richards: 3 days
Thomas: What the fuck he started it?
Mr Richards: You should be lucky your not expelled after all the trouble you have caused.
Thomas: fucking bullshit
Thomas walked out and coach followed
Kelly: how is that fair? The other kid started it.
Mr Richards: this is the other kids first incident. I've lost count of how many times Thomas has been in this office. This is a folder of all his work for the next 2 weeks. They must be completed by the time he comes back.
Kelly: that's a bit much don't you think? Let's be honest he would never complete this much work in class
Mr Richards: can't you see the problem? Everyone else in his class would be able to complete all this work
Kelly: okay but he isn't like everyone in his class. He's the only kid with ADHD and 1 of 3 kids with dyslexia in his grade.
Mr Richards: he is still expected to do the work at the same rate as his classmates
Kelly: that's the problem. You expect him to learn the same way as everyone else when his brain is wired differently and he learns different. You don't see what he's like trying to do his work at home. he either doesn't understand the work, gets overwhelmed by the work or can't concentrate.
Mr Richards: he doesn't help himself
Kelly: you think he wants to be like this? You think he wants to be dealing with the meltdowns, outbursts, sensory overload and feeling like he doesn't fit in
Mr Richards: we do understand
Kelly: you don't understand cause if you did you would try and help him instead of watching him fail. You don't even have a SENCO in this school. Your not able to accommodate for SEN
I left and went to Thomas and coach
Kelly: thanks
Coach: No problem. I'll see you in 2 weeks Gibson
Thomas: mhm
We went outside to the car
Thomas: Such bullshit all the fucking time. Fucking dumbass.
Kelly: Hey
Thomas: what it's true he throws the first punch but I get in the most trouble because I'm the 'problem child'. How the fuck is that fair?
Kelly: I know your angry but look at it this way a 2 weeks of freedom.
Thomas: not really cause they will send me work that I won't understand and I'll be stuck at home So it's 2 weeks of hell
Kelly: we'll work something out
Thomas: mhm
Kelly: can Gabby or shay look at your hand?
Thomas: No
Kelly: why not?
Thomas: they'll put some weird thing on it and I don't like how it feels
Kelly: you can ask them not to. I just want them to check that they're not broken
Thomas: fine
We made it back to the firehouse
Thomas: ah fuck
Kelly: what's up
Thomas: my hands killing me
Kelly: Shay!
Shay: Kelly!
Kelly: Can you look at his hand?
Shay: sure
I went to see Chief

Shays pov
Shay: what happened T?
Thomas: I lost my temper really bad
Shay: why?
Thomas: some kid slide tackled me when I didn't have the ball and it all just went downhill from there.
Shay: suspended?
Thomas: 2 weeks
I started checking out his hands.
Shay: they just seem swollen. I wouldn't say they're broken because you can bend them. Get something frozen on them so the swelling can go down. If the pain gets worse or you can't move them then go the med.
I looked at him and he was just staring outside.
Shay: Thomas.
No answer
Shay: Thomas
After a few seconds he started blinking.
Shay: you okay?
Thomas: yeah I'm gonna get something to eat before I go home.
Thomas left and I went to find Kelly.
Shay: Kelly
Kelly: yeah
Shay: have you ever noticed Thomas just staring at nothing and not responding for a few seconds?
Kelly: yeah it used to happen a lot when he was younger but they got less frequent as he got older and then stopped.
Shay: they're absent seizures.
Kelly: I know but they did a test when he first started having them but nothing showed up.
Shay: maybe just keep an eye on it.
Kelly: yeah okay. Where is he now?
Shay: getting something to eat

Kelly pov
I went to the kitchen area and saw all ingredients for a sandwich but no Thomas. I put everything back in the fridge.
Kelly: Hey mouch you seen Thomas anywhere?
Mouch: he was gonna make a sandwich. Why?
Kelly: he's not here
I walked to Casey to see if he'd seen him. I walked in and Thomas was on Casey's bunk talking to him
Kelly: hey kiddo
Thomas: hi
Kelly: you forgot about your sandwich
Thomas: oh yeah. I'm not hungry anymore tho
Kelly: okay. we're going
Thomas: mhm. Are you gonna tell mom about today?
Kelly: I have to kiddo you got suspended. The school have probably already rung her
Thomas: ah shit
Kelly: what
Thomas: nothing
Kelly: right come on
Thomas: bye Matt
Matt: See ya trouble
We made our way to the car and went home picking Kiara up on the way. Kiara fell asleep
Thomas: bye uncle Kelly
Kelly: see ya kid
I reached the front door carrying kee

Thomas pov
I'm fucked.

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