Everything changes

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It was finally my first day back. I woke up a little late so I was kinda rushing around.
Thomas: kee come in we're late
I got ready and rang Jay.
Jay: hello
Thomas: Jay can you do me a favour?
Jay: sure
Thomas: can you drop me and kee to school we're running late and won't make it in time
Jay: sure be ready in 10 minutes
Thomas: you're the best.
I went to get my trainers and put kiaras shoes on. My head started feeling weird and my hands started shaking slightly. I got up and everything just went black.

Jays pov
I was on my way to the house when my phone started ringing. Thomas. I answered the phone and put it on speaker.
Jay: Thomas?
I heard light sniffles
Jay: Kiara?
Kiara: Tommy hurt.
Jay: what do you mean Kiara?
Kiara: he fell over and now he's shaking
Jay: did he hurt himself?
Kiara: heads bleeding. Tommy wake up
Jay: is he sleeping?
Kiara: No shaking
Jay: okay I'm coming now.
Kiara: scared Jay
Jay: hey it's okay I'll be there soon

I rang kelly
Jay: Kelly
Kelly: what's up Jay?
Jay: you need to get here now
Kelly: what's going on?
Jay: Thomas is having some kind of seizure
Kelly: what?
Jay: Kiara rang me saying he fell over and is shaking. He hit his head too
Kelly: ah shit. Erm I'm on my way. I'll be like 5 minutes.
Jay: okay
I called an ambulance and they said 10 minutes
Kelly arrives and unlocks the door.
We walk into the living room and find Thomas unconscious on the floor with a lamp on him and blood on the coffee table.
Kelly: ah shit
Kiara is crying
Kelly: it's okay
We rush over to him.
Jay: hey trouble. It's Jay. I need you to wake up bud.
Kelly put him in the recovery position and that's when I realise he had wet himself.
Jay: Kelly look
I pointed and Kelly saw
I went over to comfort Kiara.
Jay: hey it's okay. He's just a little hurt
We just sat in silence waiting for him to come around. We then heard groaning.
Kelly: hey Thomas. It's kelly. You've hurt your head so I need you to not move okay.
He just looked around confused.
Jay: your at home. We're gonna go to med so they can check you over.
Kelly: how are you feeling?
Thomas: hap'n 'gen
His eyes rolled back and he just began convulsing violently.
Kelly: we need to time it
I got my phone and started a stop watch
Jay: Kelly pass me a cushion
I put the cushion under his head. There was a knock at the door.
Kelly: it's open
Shay and Dawson walked in
Dawson gave him some sort of sedative to stop the seizure. It gradually came to a stop. Once he stopped she put in an IV and some butterfly stitches on the cut on his head
Shay: what's going on?
Kelly: he had two seizures
Shay: is this the first time?
Kelly: he used to have absent seizures when he was younger but the tests didn't show anything. They started again recently and have been getting worse but we haven't been able to get a doctors appointment.
Shay: okay we're gonna take him in.
Jay: I'll stay with Kiara and call the school
They left and I phoned his school.
Receptionist: hello South Chicago middle school
Jay: hello my name is detective Jay halstead I was wondering if you could put me through to Mr Richards
Reception: transferring you over now
Jay: thank you
Mr Richards: detective Halstead what can I do for you
Jay: I'm speaking on behalf of Thomas Gibson
Mr Richards: yes I see he hasn't turnt up today
Jay: yeah erm he's currently on his way to Chicago Med
Mr Richards: is everything okay?
Jay: erm he had two seizures and cracked his head open
Mr Richards: okay I'll authorise his absence until Wednesday. If he needs any longer just let us know. Hope he's okay
Jay: thank you. We'll keep you updated.

Kiara: are we gonna stay here?
Jay: yeah until your mom and dad come home
Kiara: oh. I wan see Tommy
Jay: tomorrow
Kiara: okay. can we watch a film?
Jay: sure go put one on and I'll be there in a minute. I just need to call Hank
Kiara left

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now