Bad day

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The next morning
I was making breakfast when I heard running steps through the house
Kelly: Thomas calm down
He ran to the kitchen and jumped up onto the counter.
Kelly: we're gonna go shopping today just me and you.
Thomas: I don't wanna go shopping
Kelly: we're just gonna get some paint and stuff for your rooms
Thomas: okay
Kelly: get ready then

Thomas PoV
I got dressed into just a black Nike tracksuit and crocs. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I run downstairs and into the living room where uncle kelly was.
Kelly: stop running around. You'll get hurt
Thomas: sorry
Kelly: we need to sort out your medication aswell
Thomas: I've been fine without it

I really have. I've had minimal seizures and I don't think I've been that hyper
Kelly: well you still need to take it just in case. So I need to somehow refill your prescriptions.
Thomas: fine
Kelly: you ready
I checked my pockets. Phone? AirPods? Nope
Thomas: wait I'll be back
I ran back upstairs got what I needed and sprinted back down crashing into uncle Kelly who was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs
Kelly: Thomas seriously
Thomas: my bad
Kelly: right let's go
We went to all these different shops getting stuff for me and kee. We bought loads of avengers stuff including duvet set. Avengers wallpaper and white paint. Unicorn stuff. Unicorn wallpaper.
We paid for this stuff and put it in the car. Next stop clothes. We arrived at a huge clothes store. I put tracksuits, T-shirts, shorts, underwear and socks into the cart. We were walking around when my head started feeling a bit fuzzy.

Kelly pov
We were walking around when i notice Thomas just standing on the spot staring into the distance.
Kelly: hey Thomas
He was still staring. A few seconds later he started blinking again.
Kelly: you okay?
Thomas: 'm head weird.
Kelly: okay
I got the attention of a member of staff
Kelly: excuse me
Worker: how can I help sir?
Kelly: my nephew is about to have a seizure. Would we be able to go to the back room by any chance?
Worker: yeah I'll take you
I pulled Thomas along with me and we went to the back room
Kelly: how you feeling bud?
Thomas: m fuzzy. H'pen soon
Kelly: it's okay I'm right here
I laid him onto the floor and within a few minutes he started seizing. I began timing it.
Worker: is there anything I could do?
Kelly: would it be possible to get a cup of water please?
Worker: yeah sure I'll be back in a moment
The worker left
Kelly: hey bud. Your doing so good. Your okay
I looked at the timer and we were approaching 4 minutes and I was getting nervous. We're a minute away from a trip to med.
Within a few seconds the convulsions slowed down to just twitches before stopping completely. The worker came back and handed me the cup of water
Worker: is he okay?
Kelly: yeah just have to wait for him to come around.
Me and the workers were just making light conversation when we heard groaning. Thomas tried to sit up. I laid him back down
Kelly: you need to stay down for a minute bud.
He looked me dead in the eyes and they were just glazed over. His face was slightly twitching. After a few seconds he started blinking again.
Kelly: hey your okay
He looked really confused. I sat him up slowly and knelt infront of him.
Kelly: hey bud
He was just looking around
Thomas: where 'm I?
Kelly: we're shopping bud. Do you remember? We're shopping for clothes
Thomas: mhm me an' kee
Kelly: that's right for you and Kiara.
I gave him the cup of water and he drank it slowly
Kelly: How you feeling?
Thomas: home
Kelly: yeah we can go home
I turned to the worker
Kelly: would I be able to get my cart stored somewhere so I can come back tomorrow?
Worker: yeah no worries I'll put it in the store room
Kelly: thank you so much
I turned back to Thomas and he had fallen asleep. I picked him up and headed to the car. I laid him across the backseats. I drove us home. I left the car in the driveway and opened the front door
Kelly: Shay come help!
Both shay and Kiara ran down the stairs
Kiara: I help too
I gave Kiara her duvet set and we carried everything in. I took up Thomas' stuff into his room and did the same with Kiara's.
Shay: where's T?
Kelly: in the car asleep
Shay: huh?
Kelly: he had 3 seizures while we were out and fell asleep
Shay: poor kid
Kelly: i know. It looks like he'll have to go back on his meds
Shay: he's gonna hate it
Kelly: I know. I should probably bring him in
I went to the car and carried Thomas into the house. I put him in his bed. I went back down and sat on the couch next to shay and Kiara.
Kiara: Tommy not feel well?
Kelly: he's just tired so he's sleeping
Shay: how is he?
Kelly: he's completely wiped out. He's in his bed. I'll check on him before I go to bed.
Shay: hey princess what do you want for dinner?
Kiara: dino nuggies
Shay: dino nuggies it is then
Shay went and made dinner and Kiara was just telling me about her day.
Kiara: me an shay play hide seek. I win because I hide good.
Kelly: did you have fun?
Kiara: yeah. Uncle Kelly?
Kelly: what's up munchkin?
Kiara: Miss JayJay
Kelly: I know it's been a while
Kiara: speak on phone please
Kelly: okay he might be working tho
I started to ring Jay and put it on speaker
Jay: hello?
Kiara: JayJay
Jay: hey rugrat
Kiara: miss you
Jay: I miss you too. I'll see you soon okay
Kiara: 'morrow?
Jay: maybe we'll see. You okay?
Kiara: yeah. Tommy not feel well
Jay: oh no. You gonna help make him better
Kiara: mhm. He sleep
Jay: that's good. It's nearly your birthday
Kiara: yeah.
Jay: how old are you gonna be?
Kiara: 6 year old
Jay: No way! That's a big number
Kiara: yeah i big now
Shay: Kiki dinner
Jay: you sure are. Right go have your dinner and if I don't see you tomorrow I'll ring you okay?
Kiara: okay
Jay: I'll see you soon. Bye monkey
Kiara: bye JayJay
She passed the phone back to me.
Kelly: hello
Jay: hey man.
Kelly: it's been a while. There's quite a bit to catch up on
Jay: how did it go with DCFS?
Kelly: good they gave me guardianship
Jay: I thought they had to talk to his dad first
Kelly: they did and he rang me asking about him and whether Chicago was the right place. He then said that he'd give me guardianship but still wants to be in his life
Jay: what did you say?
Kelly: I said I ain't got a problem with it but it's up to Thomas. Everything would be at his pace
Jay: that's fair
Kelly: we moved house as well. It's a lot bigger. The kids seems to enjoy it.
Jay: that's good. How are they settling in?
Kelly: Kiara refuses to have her own room because it became habit to be in Thomas's bed. Thomas seems to be adjusting to the change but I feel like soon enough he's gonna process everything and get overwhelmed.
Jay: how is he? Kiara said that he wasn't feeling well.
Kelly: yeah he had 3 seizures while we were out so now he's just sleeping
Jay: damn
Kelly: I know
Jay: right I better go before I have Hank on my case. I'll pop by tomorrow
Kelly: yeah that's cool
Jay ended the call
I got Kiara showered and ready for bed and got ready for bed myself. I out Kiara in her bed even though I knew she would just go into Thomas' room. I fell asleep until I was woken by someone shaking me.

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now