Ashura's Incarnation Arc - Chapter 24: Ambush During A Meal

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As expected, something weird is happening to me whenever Asura gets hungry. Consuming bugs that I wouldn't normally eat seems to be an instinct likely derived from my inner subconsciousness. Well, it's fortunate that Asura doesn't seem bothered by her body being affected by its effects. Actually, can she even tell the difference when we essentially become almost the same entity whenever my parasitic instincts take over?

"Asuraa~ aren't you coming to eat? The food will get cold, you know?"

"...Coming." Asura replied lazily.

After cutting down a tree among the thousands that were here, we used its log as either a chair, table, or a source of firewood after drying it with the fire magic I've absorbed from the rex.

Whirl was the type of person who'd save the spices and seasonings for last when cooking, which I reckon was rare. From what I've observed, she skewered the diced meat with a stick and dipped them into a bowl of sauce before finally beginning to roast them.

A sweet, alluring aroma immediately wafted through the vicinity. Asura's void-like stomach was eager for a taste, but sadly, dinner wasn't fully cooked yet.

"How much longer do I wait, Whirl?"

"It'll be ready in five minutes so please wait a bit more."

Before Asura could reply, her stomach growled, informing Whirl that she couldn't keep waiting any longer.

As Asura's gaze wandered in search of anything edible while she waited, it landed on the severed deer and rabbit heads Whirl had disposed of. They were placed on top of a slab of stone.

"Whirl... Can I eat those?"

"Wh-What? Asura, don't! That's disgusting!"

"But I'm hungry...


"I... Can't?" Asura asked, her eyes resembling those of a puppy, a sight you wouldn't typically see from her. It was a truly deceptive and cunning move, if I do say so myself.

"Kuh..." Whirl surrendered in defeat.

In the end, Asura obtained permission to devour the decapitated heads. Whirl appeared to have mixed feelings as she watched Asura consume the severed heads like a vile beast.

My sense of sight shifted once Asura began helping herself to the abandoned animal heads. Initially, I expected her to consume them with her mouth, but to my surprise, holes with sharp, tiny teeth and a tongue sprouted from Asura's palms, promptly devouring the heads laid before them.

It baffled me, but nonetheless, I remained silent to avoid arousing Asura's suspicions. After all, I'm still maintaining the guise of being the God of War, Ashura. I can't recklessly reveal the truth myself.

But still...

How did she pull that off? Did she just modify her own body at will without my assistance?

Although it was quite the eye-opener, I'm certain that she had some difficulty doing that without my assistance. Perhaps in the future, she won't need me to perform these body configurations anymore.

The artificial mouths on Asura's hands stretched like lampreys and greedily devoured the deer head, biting off chunks of it with ease as if it were butter. Consuming it was hardly a challenge, so Asura finished within the next six seconds before moving on to the rabbit head, which took no more than half the time the deer head did.

The sky above us transformed into a canvas of rich, inky hues blending into a velvety blue, adorned with wisps of ethereal nebula clouds. Gradually, stars emerged, sprinkling the heavens with their shimmering light, while the seven moons gracefully shifted across the celestial tapestry. Despite our temporary satisfaction after easing our hunger, we eagerly waited for the real meal that Whirl was in the middle of preparing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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