Ashura's Incarnation Arc - Chapter 21: Blizzard Lizard

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An explosion ensued that left a devastating trail of blood and monster corpses on the ground. Dead plants and flesh got scattered into a terrible unrecognizable mess.

Everyone looked for it's origin.

Their eyes could only see one thing from this distance and it was no doubt the cannon plant. Smoke evident from it's mouth.

But why? It's a monster. Why would it attack it's own when the primary goal of a labyrinth monster is to kill anything that enters it's territory?

The blizzard lizard didn't take it's eyes off the cannon plant for a few moments. After turning it's head to face the trembling mercenaries, it grunted and began channeling mana to it's mouth again. It dismissed the cannon plant's intervention thinking it simply missed it's true target. It was smart enough to know not to engage in a fight with a fellow strong monster for a misunderstanding.


This time the cannon plant's volley of rocks didn't hit the small fry, it went straight for the sides of the unsuspecting lizard. Causing several small wounds on it's slimy skin and pushing it back by several meters.

The annoyed lizard looked at the cannon plant with an indignant expression and unleashed a chilling roar. Clearly, it had lost it's temper.

The monsters under it's command heeded it's orders to assail the unmoving plant and hurriedly set off.

Finally, nothing can disturb him now. The lizard began channeling an even bigger amount of mana to it's reptilian mouth.

Just when it finally was about to discharge it's breath attack, another damn shotgun attack hit him at the side!

This time, it didn't hold back and joined the monsters under it's command in assaulting the wretched cannon. How dare that bastard disturb him for the third time!

Outside the fort, Asura was standing behind the cannon plant while inserting her hands inside a pair of orifices she made in the plant.

Her organs connected to the dead cannon plant's corpse and hacked it's nervous system to gain temporary control over it's entire body, thus Ashura made use of this opportunity and started blasting at the deluge of monsters for fun.

"My lord. Can I fight them all by myself without your interference, please?"

Ashura didn't even need to think about considering it, he instantly approved of the girl's idea right away. If the girl wants to fight, let her fight!

Asura needed her own experience and there's nothing more appealing in his eyes than fighting a thousand opponents at the same time with her current power level. Ashura can't possibly babysit her forever.

「Once they reach you, disconnect from the cannon and fight in melee quickly.」

"Understood." A unique flame of fearlessness lit in Asura's eyes, and it was the only one of it's kind.

Even though Asura fired three dreadful shots at the flood of monsters, it hardly reduced their number by a third. Shooting at the lizard became a pointless endeavor after they found out that it could predict Asura's shots.

By now the cannon's biometal barrel was already fried and Asura had to scrap it away in order to fight properly.

"I'm off!" Asura exclaimed after disengaging with the cannon's connections, she didn't waste any time and rushed towards the enemies as soon as her hands turned back to normal.

If a person saw one young girl running towards a thousand monsters, they'd think she's an insane kid looking to die.

That didn't apply all that much to Asura though. Even if she knows what she's doing is crazy, she still determined that it still falls inside her range of capabilities.

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