Ashura's Incarnation Arc - Chapter 16: Collective Unity

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The mercenary guild is in it's good happy day. Mercenaries often come and go after taking a mission or two. Being battlehardy mercenaries, these people who have one common role accepts requests from various rich organizations to do their biddings in the dark alleys or in the open bloody battle field. Unlike adventurer guilds which functions in a way that the adventurers benefit the most with their guild contracts, the mercenaries have a lower pay rate whereas their guild benefits the most for their services to the clients.

Today was no exception, requests were smoothly handed in and mercenaries came back with scars and bruises daily but with some money in their pockets, the skilled ones were even unscathed. But they still had a higher success rate than adventurers and this is what they take pride from besides dealing with fellow cunning humans than nut-brained aggressive monsters.

The Town of St. Laurel was less exposed to monster invasions and the neighboring forests are mostly limited to some beasts with hardly significant loot to note. It's people's daily needs are often met by buying through the local market supplied by traveling merchants so they hardly would put any interest in adventurer stuff. Even if they did, they'd have to move to another town to sign up as one. Now this awful display of incaution might just bite them in the butt one of these days.

Little did they know that a superfluous number of man-devouring beasts are already silently brewing just below their high heads.

Several miles from the city, a group of nine mercenaries trudged their way to the town on foot. Losing their horses wasn't such a good beef, they even had to walk half a day on foot.

"Hey, what's your name?"


"What were you doing in that forest all alone?"

"Hunting monsters." Asura nonchalantly replied.

"No really, where are your parents?"

"They've been kidnapped by humans."

Lana kept pestering Asura with questions in regards to her unpredictable circumstances. There was an inkling chance that they may go against Asura if they find out her prominent origins as an Ashuran but the intelligent parasite inside her didn't give much thought, he was more concerned about one thing that's been bothering him since last night.

Where was the carcass of that giant bat? No matter how much he made Asura ask questions in regard to that matter to the mercenaries, they insisted that there was no such thing when they found her lying on the cave's entrance and even if they did they'd have no way to sell it in the guild. The only person in that place was Asura but she was unconscious, so where did it go? Although he had already absorbed the beast's genetic blueprint it still disturbs him that it's entire frame disappeared from his grasp.

But everything wasn't entirely a bad thing, he got what he wanted and an extra reward as an addition to Asura's enhanced senses.

Item Name: Devil Bat King's Core
Item Type: Material
Weight: 2.4 Kilograms
Stats: +40 Mana
Creator: N/A
Further Information: The Devil Bat King is notorious for stalking the dark forests and sucking the blood of the unlucky creatures it encounters, be their size medium or large. It prefers not to kill it's victims, but when it's safety is threatened, it uses up it's mana to materialize tangible dark magic to take the lives of it's adversaries. Stores traces of the Magic Spell: Bat Impact.

The appearance of the skill befuddled the fake Ashura. He doesn't recall absorbing this core even when he sucked out the internals of the monster during the fight but it just happens to be there now. Was he sleep-eating? Although there's the incontrovertible fact that there exists his parasite instincts, would it really preside control over him and Asura during their unconsciousness? These questions made him think that he still doesn't know much about what he's become. The scientists who created his new parasite body might know more about this fascinating creature. For all he knows, his lifespan might just bite the dust any moment now.

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