#2 Gifts

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Yeji and Ryujin finish their classes for the day. They decide to go to the mall to loosen up from some lectures they had today.

"Yeddeong, wanna grab a bite before walking around? I'm kinda hungry.."

"Oh sure! Let's eat at that sushi restaurant we passed by! They serve my favorite salmon with tartare sauce!"

The duo proceed to a booth and take what they want from the conveyor belt. This includes what Yeji wanted to eat from the start.

They have a good meal and talk about their classes so far. Both are entertained by the other and enjoy the company.

After they finish their meal, they leave the restaurant and walk around the mall, curious of what stores they'd eventually visit.

They come across a jewelry store and decide to check out the selection they provide. The store is full of bracelets, rings, necklaces, and earrings.

Arms linked together, they make their way to the ring section and observe each one carefully. Coincidentally, they see one that they both like and choose to try it on.

"Ryuddaeng, these rings look nice! Should we maybe get couple rings? I know It's cheesy but it's-" She's cut off by Ryujin.

"Sure. I was actually looking at those too. Let's try them on?"

The lady behind the counter gets them the rings in their sizes and they fit it to see how it looks.

The universe must be in Yeji's eyes because her eyes were full of sparkles. One look at her and you know she loves it.

The two look back up at each other and make eye-contact. It's amazing how sometimes words aren't needed to communicate. The eyes do all the talking.

They're seen next at the cashier paying for their new prized possessions. Adoring it so much that they wear it right away.

As they finish paying, Ryujin informs the older that she needs to use the restroom. The taller nods and says that she'll wait by the store they just left.

While Ryujin is busy in the restroom, Yeji remembers their anniversary is coming up soon and needs a gift for her girlfriend. She remembers a necklace that caught her eye in the same store they got their rings from. Why was it eye catching? Well because Yeji also had the same necklace.

She quickly makes her way back into the store and purchases the necklace. She hides the box in her bag and goes back out to wait for Ryujin.

Seconds later the younger appears and they walk out the mall hand in hand ready to go home. Gift giving and receiving has always been something the two enjoyed doing. It made them feel like they were paying attention to each other and that their relationship was truly valued.

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