#1 Physical Touch

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Today is a Saturday and the couple decide to stay home. They've been exhausted from the assignments they've received and think that being home would be the right cure for that.

"Hey Yej, wanna eat anything specific today? I can cook something up for you!" Ryujin calls for Yeji.

There's no response. Instead a back hug is given by the older.

She's just gotten out of bed and is probably processing the question her girlfriend just asked.

"Hm? I uhh.. anything's fine. As long as you make it i'm sure it'll be good." She says before yawning.

Ryujin decides to cook the classic kimchi fried rice and grilled pork.

They eat in silence, given that one of them is still waking herself up from the great sleep she just had.

Yeji pulls Ryujin's shirt and quietly mumbles that she wants to go back in bed and cuddle. This is one of Yeji's favorite things to do with her partner as she feels the comfort and warmth from the other. Ryujin of course doesn't mind. It's basically more alone time with her favorite person. There's nothing really to complain about.

Ryujin gets up from the table and takes Yeji's hand in hers. They slowly walk back to the bedroom and tuck themselves into bed.

They hug each other and find a comfortable position. Once it's found the shorter gives the other a kiss on the forehead and they drift back to sleep.

Days like this are comforting to both of them. They are each others safe place under all circumstances. After long days at school, going back home and being with each other heals and recharges them for whatever is to happen the next day. Their touch is what brings them together and feels like home. They are each others home.

hihi! sorry just wanted to say that chapter lengths will not be consistent. some will for sure be longer than others but regardless i hope you guys still enjoy!

My 6th Love Language | RyejiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang