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I was never that close to Mammon. Lord Diavolo was. Mammon and I have had conversations before never that long tho. Him and Lord Diavolo were dating so I made sure to be the nicest to him to not upset Diavolo. Mammon had a lot of debt he needed to pay. He needs to get a job he  is putting way too much stress on Lord Diavolo. Lord Diavolo does not care tho it makes me infuriated. Lord Diavolo didn't deserve this.

He mentioned something was off with Mammon. I noticed as well Mammon was acting odd. He started paying back his debt, he hasn't stolen, and he's doing better in school. We never could figure it out.  Asmo had mentioned it to Solomon while on the phone with him. He was surprised. The angels and MC had found out they were also surprised . 

I was troubled. Then, I heard he tried to kill himself.  Word was out fast everyone knew. We were getting questioned left and right. It was making us all uncomfortable. Why was this happening to us? Why did he do it? How long has he planned it for? Did he plan it? 

Lord Diavolo tried everything in his powers to stop the questions, but they never stopped. We needed Mammon to wake up and fast. We all miss him. His smile could light up the whole room, his laugh was contagious, and finally his presence was missed. When Mammon wakes up we'll be okay. We will be happy.  If he wakes up...

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