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A/N: So, for the character, the chapter mentions that it is going to be in their point of view except any chapter that don't ahve a certain character name it will be in Mammon's point of view.

I feel bad for hooking up with Diavolo, which was Mammon's boyfriend. Why did I hook up with him? I don't know. I was stupid and a horrible brother. If I could change the past, I would. Mammon is my favorite brother, and I broke his trust. Mammon hasn't done anything like this before. Not that he told me if he has done it before or not.

When Mammon was given to me, I promised never to hurt him in any way possible. I made him promise not to hurt me, but I hurt him. I broke our promise. I broke our first promise. I'm horrible, brother.

The day Mammon was put into my arms, I melted he was so tiny and so cute. He was my first brother. I thought it would be me and him only, but as time went on, more kids were put into my care. Mammon's favorite game was hide and seek. He never told me why. I honestly never really asked why.

Mammon always wanted my attention. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Yes, it did get annoying at times, but he always made me feel so much better in the end.

One day, we were visiting the Human Realm, and Mammon saw a huge bear. Yes, I did buy him it. He gave me the puppy eyes. I couldn't help it. Speaking of his puppy eyes, his puppy eyes made anyone give into him quickly. He made his eyes big. He sometimes faked cried.

Mammon means: wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness and revived in this sense by. But to me, Mammon means one of a kind.

After the fell things became different. Yes, we became demons, but we also grew apart. I still made sure he was okay even if I didn't show it fully, I love Mammon with my heart and soul.

When Beel yelled for me to come to Mammon's room, I got nervous. I walked in and saw Mammon hanging. I froze. I wasn't prepared for this to happen. Why couldn't I have stopped it? What made Mammon go this far?

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