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AN: Holy crap thank you for all the reads.

When Beel was given to Lucifer he was scared his twin was with him but he wasn't where he knew. As he was getting more used to it he saw a certain white haired boy. Belphegor was sleeping and he made sure the blanket was on him before he left. Beel went looking for this beautiful white haired boy. 

He saw the boy and tugged on his white pants. "Yes buddy," The tanned boy said. Beel looked in the boys yellow and blue eyes. 

"Hi.." Beel said. He was a shy boy unlike Belphegor. He couldn't stop looking at the tan boy.

After a few months of them getting along they both loved each other. Him and his twin were loved by this amazing family.

Finally the fall happened after the war. The stressful war was over. Was he gonna be happy for a while? Probably not. Mammon was still there for him. He still loved Mammon. He didn't care about some Avatar. They were still brothers no matter what. 

He remembers every memory. He would always play with Mammon. Later on after the fall Belphegor was in the 'human realm'. Everything happened. After Beel found out Mammon jumped he was scared. 

He was waiting on news about Mammon's condition. He knew Mammon would make it. Why would he make it. It's Mammon he's strong and the best brother.

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