Avoid the Poison

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Longing sighs, lingering glances at the window.
Farsighted, distracted by the simple meadow.
Old green grass brushing through the venomous fingers.
Leaving alienated ashes, the speech stutters.

Strange combination, health and poison together.
A beautiful garden can't have trash everywhere.
Putting the garbage away to let the rose live.
The hazardous paper hearts, forbidden to give.

Toxic waft of the overflowing emotions.
Keeping the flower away from harsh conditions.
These rainbow waters will just cause harm in the end.
The torn red string that I can no longer amend.

Distancing oneself to avoid poisoning you.
Those brewing chemicals, difficult to subdue.
Please spare your paradise from the grim hurricane.
"I have to let go", protecting you from my bane.

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