8 - Beat Sense into Someone

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I left the house leaving Paloma there upset and I didn't technically care at this point. We had an amazing night together, I thought we were working back to what we used to be before everything but that was ruined this morning. I pulled into the driveway at my Ma's house, I went somewhere I always went to relax after a fight with Paloma, even when we were married. I walked in and I heard the tv in the living room.

"Hey." I said and she saw me.

"Hey, this is a surprise. Paloma with you?" Lisa asked.

"No, she is at home..." I said annoyed and sat on the couch.

"What happened Chris?" Lisa asked sensing a problem.

"How did life get so screwed up?" I asked and Lisa looked at me.

"Chris...what aren't you saying?" Lisa asked.

"You know how I told you Paloma and I were considering divorce but then she moved back in and we were working on our marriage?" I asked and Lisa nodded. "Well that's not entirely true..."

"Christopher, what did you do?" Lisa asked sitting back, crossing her arms and I sighed.

"Okay well a month and half ago Paloma and I had that big fight out in LA and I said I wanted the divorce..."

"I remember you told me that."

"Right well what I didn't tell you is the minute we got back to Boston, she moved out to her sister's house and took Cosmo with her. We visited a divorce lawyer and started splitting everything up. Well as we were separated we forgot about the movie we did together coming out in a few months. We did a rom com about a couple falling in love and staying in love through all the hard times and every circumstance that comes their way. How would it look showing up to the premiere without each other and then doing press separately. So Megan and Stephany along with myself and Paloma decided that Paloma would move back in and we would pretend to be a happy married couple when we were out." I explained. I couldn't read my Ma's expression.

"So what happened last night, you two seemed to be okay when you left."

"Well when we got home Paloma suggested we try a kiss with each other. We would be expected to be in love out and about and if it looked awkward it would give us away. I knew she had a point, well we did a lot more than kiss last night. We hadn't been intimate in months even before we separated. It all came out last night. Well this morning when I woke up I thought we were doing just fine and things were getting back to normal but I was wrong." I said.

"Okay so what happened?" Lisa asked.

"Well during breakfast Paloma suggest we go to counseling."


"Counseling Ma! That is the stupidest idea she has ever had." I said.

"Why Chris? Why is it stupid?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know, I just think we could work this out ourselves." I said.

"With sex and then yelling?!" Lisa asked.

"Well sex would be part of it." I said.

Ma was silent for a minute then the next thing I knew is she was beating me with a rolled-up magazine from her table. She was hitting me on my head and arms, just all over.

"You can't be so stupid! I did not raise a stupid son!" Lisa said beating me still as she spoke. I jumped up.

"Okay Ma! Geez! Stop!" I yelled.

"Are you done being stupid?!" Lisa asked and I sighed.

"I don't think I'm being stupid." I said.

"Chris she wants to work on your marriage, she wants to get help, she wants you both to get answers you are too scared to say without someone else in the room that can help. She wants a marriage with you! Why cant you see that?!" Lisa asked and I just hung my head and started pacing.

"I just didn't think we would ever be here, admitting we needed help."

"You would just rather get a divorce?" Lisa asked and I shook my head.


"Then what are you going to do?"

"Go to counseling with my wife." I said and she gave a small smile. I went to walk out.

"And Christopher?"

"Yeah Ma?" I asked stopping.

"Making her move back in for a fucking movie image was stupid. Stop breaking her before I break you." Lisa said and I half nodded.

"Got it. Love you." I said and walked out.

I rushed home in a panic needing to talk to Paloma. Her and Ma were right, counseling would be perfect. I walked in the door and I heard something I hadn't heard in a long time. She was playing guitar. She had to learn for a movie role once and she just picked it up. We used to play together all the time. Her on guitar, me on piano...the good times. I leaned on the door frame since her back was to me as she started singing.

🎵 I don't think I lied when I said I wanted that life
Maybe I was too young to understand what I wanted to begin with
But babe, it was true, with all that I knew
It felt like forever that December, too
A fairytale start, crossing our hearts
Rode off in a car that said, "Just Married"
But I wasn't made for fixing a plate or keeping our problems buried
I wasn't strong enough to keep on with all of the weight that I carried
Yeah, it was love
Then it was just married
Long distance texts, make-up-for-time sex
Tired of asking when I'll see you next
I'm too mad to fight, so I stare and cry
At the picture of you and me wearing white
Just married
Just married
But I wasn't made for fixing a plate or keeping our problems buried
No, I wasn't strong enough to hold on with all of the weight that I carried
Yeah, it was love
Then it was just married
It was a beautiful wedding
Sometimes I still taste the Veuve
And dammit, I wish I wasn't this ready
To undo I do
But I wasn't made for fixing a plate and getting divorced sounds scary
But I'm just not strong enough to hold on with all of the weight that I carried
Yeah, it was love
It really was
Then it was just married🎵

Once she finished I saw her wipe tears away and I hung my head. I snapped my head up when Dodger and Cosmo started barking and growling coming near me. Paloma looked and put the guitar down.

"Dodger! Cosmo! No!" Paloma said and they rushed to her side.

"So it looks like you got the dogs on your side."

"Their loyal to someone who isn't an asshole who leaves his wife crying in the shower." Paloma said and I sighed. I reached for her hands and the dogs growled.

"Stop." I said and they both stopped. Paloma took my hand and stood up. I pulled her flush against me and she placed her hands on my chest. I took a hand and wiped away the tears that had fallen.

"I want to go to counseling Polly. I want this with you." I said and she nodded and I leaned my forehead against hers and she just cried. I wrapped my arms around her and just held her as she cried.

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