4 - Mrs. Paloma Evans

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I had Cosmo with me so she could be with Dodger again as I arrived at our...I mean Chris house so we could talk to our managers about what was going on. I put in the gate code, and it buzzed at me, and I groaned, he already changed it...I hit the speaker button.

"Yeah?" I heard him ask.

"You changed the gate code, and I can't get in." I said and he groaned.

"Shit, yeah forgot to tell you come in and I will explain." Chris said and he buzzed me in. Once I got in and parked Chris opened the front door and I let Cosmo go running. She jumped on Chris, and I smiled as Dodger came running out and jumped on me. These dogs had no clue what was going on and I hated putting them through this.

"Come on buddy, let's go inside." I said and we walked to the house. Once I reached Chris I didn't know how to act, he hugged me, and I sighed I the hug.

"Megan and Stephany will be here in a few minutes." Chris said and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said.

"You want a drink?" Chris asked and I nodded as we walked into the kitchen, and he poured me a cup of coffee. I looked at the mug and my heart clenched. It was a joke gift from Scott when we got married and it said Wifey on it and Chris had one that said Hubby. We hated those nick names. Chris always gave me coffee in this mug when we were married...we were still married right...until the papers were signed.

"Oh fuck, Polly let me get you another cup." Chris said and shook my head.

"It's fine." I said as he filled up his hubby mug and I gave a small smile. We went to sit at his small kitchen table, and it was silent.

"So why did you change the gate code?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"So, the day after the lawyer's office I came back to fans trying to break in and guess the code. They broke the system. I had to reboot it and change the code." Chris said and the handed me a piece of paper. "This is the new code in case you ever have to get it."  He said and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said. "Um...I called Ana yesterday." I said so we didn't go into silence.

"Oh, you did. How is she?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Good, I hadn't talked to her since the whole...thing." I said and he nodded.

"What did she have to say about it." Chris said and I glared at him.

"Don't act smug Chris." I said.

"I'm not!" He said.

"You are! I have been with you for 7 years! I know when you are being smug!" I said and he scoffed.

"You were with me for 7 years! No longer together." Chris said. He really knew how just to punch me in the heart and gut.

"And who made the decision!" I yelled. We didn't get to keep going when we heard the front door.

"Hello?" Stephany called out.

"Kitchen." Chris said. Megan, who was Chris' manager and Stephany came walking in. They saw the mugs we were using and smiled.

"This is a good sign." Stephany said.

"Old habit." Chris said and I sighed.

"Yeah, he is no longer my husband, he doesn't want to be anymore." I said. Chris growled from his side of the table able as Megan sat next to him, Stephany sat next to me.

"Okay you two really need to stop because we have a serious matter at hand." Megan said and I just looked at her.

"What? Did the divorce get out?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, when I ran into Dana yesterday at the dog park, she brought something up to me that I didn't even think about." Chris said and I half nodded.

"The movie." I said and he nodded but looked slightly shocked that I remembered. "Ana brought it up to me." I said and he half nodded.

"So, what are we going to do? I don't think we should announce the divorce before everything." Chris said and I sighed knowing he had a point.

"Stephany and I talked all morning, and we think we have a plan but you two need to be on board." Megan said.

"Okay what?" I asked and looked at Stephany.

"Well, we need you and Chris to stay married and act like the loving married couple you were until about a month ago." Stephany said and I groaned. I looked at Chris and he looked down at the table.

"We worry if we announce the divorce before the movie it will tank. Everyone believes in true love when they see you two and if we do a movie about a couple so much in love, yet you show up divorced..." Megan started to say. Chris and I just nodded knowing she wasn't lying.

"So, we act married during press and premieres?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"This goes further than that. It's already being speculated there are problems. They saw you both arrive in Boston and get in separate cars; they know you aren't staying here and came to get Cosmo the other day." Stephany and I groaned. I put my head in my hands.

"So, what do we do?" Chris asked.

"You need to move back in." Megan said looking at me.

"What?!" Chris and I yelled together.

"It's the only way. Move back in, stay in the LA house together when you are together in LA for TV shows and just look like the perfect married couple. Put the rings back on and make it look good." Stephany said and I looked at Chris.

"We sold the LA house." I said and the girls shook their heads.

"We took it off the market for the time being." Megan said and I groaned.

"Chris..." I said since he had been silent. He just walked out of the room. "This isn't going to work." I said to Megan and Stephany. Chris came back in after a few minutes and slid a cloth pouch across the table to me. I opened it and dumped my wedding band and engagement ring into my hand, and I sighed. I knew I left them at the house in LA, didn't know he picked them up. I looked and he had his ring on again.

"Time to be Mrs. Paloma Evans again." Chris said and I sighed.

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