7 - Morning After Conversation

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I woke up the next morning sore and barely able to move. I hadn't felt this way since our honeymoon but then we had room service and didn't have to get out of bed unless to open the door to get coffee. I sighed getting out of bed, I grabbed my panties and Chris's t-shirt. I smelled the shirt after I put it on smiling that he still wore the cologne I got him for our first Christmas together. He swore he would never change from his cologne he loved but he did during our marriage and I liked seeing he still hadn't changed back. I left the bedroom and was met by 2 dog sleeping at our bedroom door. They perked up when they saw me.

"Okay breakfast time. Let dad sleep." I said and we walked to the kitchen. I let them outside in the back to do their morning business as I got their food ready and started the coffee pot. Once the dogs came back in I fed them and looked in the fridge to get out some items for breakfast. This seemed so normal so right. I started making some bacon and I was in my own little world. I felt hands get placed on my hips, he moved my hair off to the side and his lips started kissing my neck.

"I missed seeing you in my shirts in the morning." Chris said and I smiled as I moaned as he kissed my neck.

"I'm going to burn the bacon if you don't stop." I said. He smiled as I turned my face and he passionately kissed him.

"Good morning." Chris said when we broke apart.

"Good morning." I said. Chris looked at the dogs eating.

"They go outside?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yep, right before I fed them. I remember the routine." I said and Chris smiled as he grabbed 2 coffee mugs. Our Mr. and Mrs. mugs. I sighed seeing them but I knew it was habit. Once breakfast was done Chris and I walked to the table once our plates were made.

We sat down to eat and I sighed.

"Can I bring something up and you be rational?" I asked and Chris groaned.

"If this is about anything last night..." Chris trailed off and I shook my head.

"No last night was...amazing." I said and smirked as I looked down at my plate but I glanced up at Chris and he was smirking as well.

"No complaints here and I don't even mean just the sex. Having you back in my arms last night was amazing." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"That was the old Chris and Paloma. I miss those two and we got them back last night." I said.

"We did, so what are you saying?" Chris asked.

"I think we need to go to therapy..." I said and Chris looked at me shocked.

"Therapy?! What the fuck Polly?!" Chris asked dropping his fork on his plate.

"Chris listen, I didn't want to be the one to bring it up. I don't know where were will even be when this is all over but I was thinking if we could go to therapy we could maybe at least get back a little bit of what we lost. Even if this works or doesn't work we will have enough to be together enough to stand each other. Maybe even be able to fix ourselves in the long run. Find out what really went wrong." I explained and Chris sighed.

"We know what went wrong, you blame me for cheating on you with Ana. I think we can work this out without therapy."

"Chris, please...I bet if we called Megan and Stephany and told them this plan-..." I said before Chris cut me off.

"No! I will not be bringing Megan and Stephany in on every aspect of our marriage! They think they know what's best but only we do." Chris said and I sighed.

"Please Chris-..." I said standing up and taking my plate to the sink. I then walked over to Chris and placed a hand on his cheek. "Just consider it." I said and Chris sighed. "I'm going to take a shower." I said and walked to the bedroom. I got clothes from the closet and laid them on the bed. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, getting undressed I got in and just let the water run over me, relaxing. I felt Chris get in with me, he gripped my hips pulling my back to his front, wrapping his arms around me.

"If I agree to counseling we have to be open about everything. The good, the bad and the ugly." Chris said and I nodded.

"That's what I want Chris. I don't want any more secrets and if anything can help this marriage or even just us getting along better I think it's what we need." I said and Chris sighed and placed his forehead on my shoulder.

"I do love you Polly, I always have. That never changed." Chris said and I sighed.

"And I love you but we just...we have problems we don't know how to fix. Trust issues and everything. Chris if we can't fix them ourselves we need the help." I said and Chris shook his head.

"Polly, we never tried ourselves. Please let us try before we get help." Chris said and I groaned. I turned in his grip and looked at him.

"Chris we can't do it on our own! Do you remember LA? We tried to talk and what happened...you asked for a divorce!" I said and he growled. He released me and got out of the shower and I followed him. I wrapped a towel around myself as did Chris and we walked to the bedroom. I stood looking at Chris.

"Do you feel like we failed if we have to go to therapy?" I asked and he slightly nodded.

"I do." Chris said.

"Well newsflash Christopher, we have!" I yelled. Chris didn't say anything just quickly got changed in the closet. I watched him get his shoes on to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Out." Chris said.

"Typical, run away from the problem. Fuck you Chris." I said and went into the bathroom slamming the door and locking it. I heard the front door slam. I got back in the shower but the pain was too much, my heart was breaking, shattering again and I slid down the shower wall, sitting on the floor and just cried.

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