1 - Splitting of Assets

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"So, who is getting the LA house and who is getting the Boston house?" My lawyer asked as I sat looking at the table sitting across from my soon-to-be ex-husband Chris Evans.

"Well all of my family is in Boston." Chris said and I groaned.

"Right because you're the only one with family in Boston..." I mumbled.

"Damnit Polly, do you want the Boston house?!" Chris semi yelled. I just shook my head.

"No, it was your house before we got married, you keep it." I said and he sighed.

"Fine." His lawyer said.

"The LA house?" My lawyer asked.

"I don't want it either..." I said and Chris sighed shaking his head.

I knew neither of us would want that house, that's where this all started. The screaming, the fighting, the hitting, items being thrown and smashed against the walls', deciding divorce was the only option. Once we decided this, it was back to Boston to get everything squared away. We were going to try and be civil in the divorce, but nothing was civil.

"No children so we don't have to worry about custody." His lawyer said and I looked at Chris.

"What about the dogs?" I asked and Chris groaned.

"Well, I came into this relationship with Dodger, and you came in Cosmo so I figured we would just take the dogs with us." Chris said and I sighed.

"Right..." I said. Chris groaned.

"I'm not letting you take Dodger Polly!" Chris yelled.

"I'm not saying I want to Chris!" I yelled back. "And it's Paloma! I haven't been Polly to you in a long time." I said and Chris hung his head.

"You will always be Polly to me." Chris whispered and I sighed.

"Listen, I just was saying the dogs will hate being separated. We need to think if a neutral meeting ground so they can see each other." I said and Chris half nodded.

"Fine once a week we meet at the dog park near the house." Chris said and I nodded.

"Fine, works for me. And if we are working and we can't do it we asked someone to do it for us." I said and Chris nodded.

"Fine, I think we have everything else worked out. We will put the LA house on the market. You need to go and get your things out of it, anything you want." My lawyer said and I nodded.

"Do we have to go together?" I asked.

"I would suggest separately." Chris's lawyer said and I nodded as did Chris.

"Where are you staying now?" Chris asked me and I sighed.

"With Dana." I said mentioning my sister and he nodded.

"Are you or her coming to get Cosmo?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Who would you prefer?" I asked.

"Whoever." Chris said and I nodded.

I left the dog at his place while I found a place to stay once I moved out. I felt tears stinging my eyes and Chris saw.

"Polly..." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Are we done here?" I asked. My lawyer shook his head.

"There is one more thing to discuss." He said.

"What?" Chris asked.

"They money." The lawyer said.

"You didn't have a prenup." Chris's lawyer said and I just shook my head.

"I don't want his money. I honestly don't. I have mine and he can have his." I said and Chris nodded. The lawyers looked at each other and nodded.

"We can work on dividing up the assets." MY lawyer said.

"All we need is for you two to sign your copies of the divorce papers. They will be drawn up and sent to you." Chris's lawyer said and we nodded.

"Now can I go?" I asked and they all nodded. I got up and grabbed my stuff to leave.

"Wait, Paloma!" Chris said and rushed after me. I impatiently pushed the elevator button as tears were threatening to fall. Chris came up behind me and gently gripped my upper arm turning me to face him.

"What Chris?" I asked and he saw my tears.

"Do we have to do this? Can't we figure this out? I mean we had a fight." Chris said.

"You brought up divorce Chris. I told you to really think about it and you still wanted one the next morning. Deal with the consequences." I said as the elevator arrived, I got on and watched the doors close on Chris. I dropped my head and just started sobbing. I just wanted my life and my husband back. Where was the man I married? The sweet Boston Boy? He flipped recently and I wasn't sure why. Now I was losing him.

I got out to my car and drove to Chris's house knowing I would beat him there and I needed to pick up my mutt dog Cosmo. I punched in the gate code and then parked my car. Once I got in the house, I was surprised to see someone sitting on the couch.

"Oh...hey." I said seeing Scott there.

"I didn't know you would be coming over." Scott said.

Things with the Evans family had been a little wishy washy since the divorced was announced. Sometimes they were civil and sometimes I was the villain that ruined their perfect Chris.

"I'm just here to get Cosmo and her stuff." I said and Scott half nodded.

"Her and Dodger are on the bed." Scott said and I nodded. I went to the toy box and grabbed her favorite toys and then headed to the bedroom and both dogs perked up.

"Hey babies." I said and went to crouch down to both of them I started loving on Dodger and pulled him into a hug, he whimpered as I started sobbing.

"Me and Cosmo have to go. We won't be back bubba. Just know I love you and I will miss you. Take care of your dad, okay?" I said and he whimpered a little more. I kissed his muzzle.

"You don't have to go..." I heard Scott say from the doorway to the bedroom.

"I do...Chris asked for this divorced and he was super sure of it the next morning. This is the way it has to be." I said and Scott sighed and handed me Cosmo's leash. I hooked her up as Scott left the bedroom.

"Let's go." I said and she barked but jumped off the bed. As I was walking out, I saw a hoodie of Chris's sitting on a chair. It was the hoodie I always stole of his, I picked it up and it smelled like him I folded it up and took it. I knew he would know I had it. Cosmo and I headed to the front door with everything, and Scott was standing there.

"I need to go before he gets back." I said and he nodded. Scott pulled me into a hug.

"Love you." Scott said.

"Love you too. It's been fun." I said and he gave a small laugh with a nod. I opened the door and walked out to my car to head off to start my new life.

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